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Stability analysis on the Unit 3 gravity concrete dam foundation of the Three Gorges Project


陈祖煜 1   王玉杰 2   孙平 2  
文摘 三峡工程混凝土重力坝左岸1~5#坝段深层抗滑稳定是三峡工程水工设计关键技术难题之一.其中节理在主滑方向的连通率是确定强度指标的决定性因素.本文作者研究团队通过现场实测的近2000条节理产状几何参数和相应网络模拟技术,获得了在主滑方向的连通率为70%左右的结论;证明了上限解(即Sarma法)和规范规定的“等K法”的等效性,从而将双滑面模式扩展为更具广泛实用意义的折线型滑面的二维抗滑稳定分析方法;同时进行了可靠指标和分项系数方法的计算.抗滑稳定分析成果表明,如果坝体单独抗滑,设计要求复核的两种滑移模式均无法满足允许安全系数规定值.如果厂、坝联合受力,则相应两种滑移模式的安全系数均达到了允许值.上述研究成果为1~5#坝段的设计提供了合理性依据.本文介绍蓄水后1~5#坝段原型观测成果,以验证相关研究成果.
其他语种文摘 The concerns over the left dam section stability on potential deep seated rock discontinuities presented one of the key technical problems of the Three Gorges Project. The authors' research group conducted a field survey that collected nearly 2000 discontinuities and a joint mapping technique with a conclusion that the join persistency ratio along the dominating sear direction is about 70%. The author also found that the ‘method of identical K' specified in the code for dam foundation stability analysis is equivalent to the upper bound, or Sarma's method, thus, a generalized ‘method of identical K' is made possible for this project that has composite shape of slip surfaces. Further, stability analyses based on reliability index and partial factors have been performed to provide an in-depth study on this stability analysis problem. The 2D study indicated that for two cases of failure modes the designed section unit 3 satisfies the requirement for allowable factor of safety if the dam and powerhouse are connected to withstand the water pressure. However, if the powerhouse is designed to be separated to the dam, both cases cannot meet the requirement. As an in-depth study, the authors further provide the reliability indices and factors of safety based on the partial factors associated with the above-mentioned cases, giving the same conclusions. The information obtained from the field measured data confirmed the safe performance of the dam.
来源 中国科学. 技术科学 ,2017,47(8):814-822 【核心库】
DOI 10.1360/n092017-00022
关键词 三峡大坝 ; 深层抗滑稳定 ; “等K法” ; 极限平衡 ; 节理岩体

1. 中国水利水电科学研究院, 流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室, 北京, 100048  

2. 中国水利水电科学研究院, 北京, 100048

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1674-7259
学科 水利工程
文献收藏号 CSCD:6092776

参考文献 共 12 共1页

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