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侯先苇 1   熊玮 1   陈海华 1   张先锋 1   汪海英 2   戴兰宏 3  
文摘 为研究FeNiMoW和FeNiCoCr两种典型高熵合金材料的冲击释能规律,利用Φ14.5 mm弹道枪发射装置和准密闭试验容器系统开展了两种典型高熵合金破片在不同速度下冲击释能效应试验.进一步,利用该试验平台开展两种高熵合金破片侵彻多层目标的毁伤特性研究.通过改变准密闭试验容器前置钢靶厚度,研究了两种高熵合金破片对后续多层靶板的侵彻毁伤规律.研究发现: FeNiMoW和FeNiCoCr高熵合金破片分别在1356 m/s和1217 m/s出现能量释放现象.低于该撞击速度未发生化学反应.撞击速度对两种高熵合金破片释能有显著的影响,随着速度的增加,两种高熵合金破片冲击释能反应加剧,超压峰值上升加快.在1600 m/s左右的撞击速度下,随着试验容器前置钢靶厚度从1 mm增加至5 mm, FeNiMoW破片超压峰值整体上呈上升趋势, FeNiCoCr破片超压峰值呈下降趋势.在两种高熵合金破片侵彻多层靶标过程中,其释能反应程度的降低对破片穿孔能力的增强有一定贡献,而容器前置钢靶厚度的进一步增大将降低破片对后续多层铝靶的穿孔毁伤能力.另一方面,随着前置钢靶厚度的增大,破片对第一层铝靶的毁伤面积先增大后减小.
其他语种文摘 In order to explore the impact energy release characteristics regularities of two typical high-entropy alloy materials, using the Φ14.5 mm ballistic gun launcher, the quasi-sealed test chamber system, two typical high-entropy alloy fragments, the FeNiMoW and the FeNiCoCr, were carried out the release energy effect tests at different impact velocities. Furthermore, the test platform was used to study the penetration and damage effect of two high-entropy alloy fragments to multi-layered targets, which were placed to the bottom of the test chamber. By changing the thickness of the steel target fixed in front of the test chamber, the impact release energy characteristics and damage regularities of two high-entropy alloy fragments to the subsequent multi-layered targets were studied. The study found that FeNiMoW and FeNiCoCr high-entropy alloy fragments began to react releasing chemical energy at around 1356 m/s and 1217 m/s, respectively. There was no chemical reaction reacted below this velocity. It was obvious that the impact velocities had a great influence to the release energy of the two high-entropy alloy fragments. As the velocity increased, the energy release response of the fragments became more intense, the peak overpressure showed a rising trend and the rising velocity became faster. As the thickness of the front steel target increased from 1 mm to 5 mm at an impact velocity of approximately 1600 m/s, it could be seen that the peak overpressures of FeNiMoW fragments showed a rise trend, and the peak overpressures of FeNiCoCr fragments showed a downward trend. In the process of the fragments perforating the front steel target and penetrating the multi-layered aluminum targets, the reduction of the release energy reaction degree will contribute to the enhancement of the penetration effect of the fragments, and the more increasing thickness of the front steel target will reduce the penetration and damage effect of the fragments to the multi-layered aluminum targets. On the other hand, as the thickness of the front steel target increases, the area of the first layer of aluminum target damaged by the fragments first increases and then decreases.
来源 力学学报 ,2021,53(9):2528-2540 【核心库】
DOI 10.6052/0459-1879-21-327
关键词 准密闭反应容器 ; 冲击释能特性 ; 多层靶 ; 毁伤特性

1. 南京理工大学机械工程学院, 南京, 210094  

2. 中国科学院力学研究所, 非线性力学国家重点实验室, 北京, 100190  

3. 中国科学院大学工程科学学院, 北京, 100049

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0459-1879
学科 力学
基金 国家自然科学基金 ;  中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金 ;  中国空气动力研究与发展中心超高速碰撞研究中心开放基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:7071940

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