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Relationship among media multitasking,personality and negative mood in college students


文摘 目的:调查大学生媒体多任务操作的特点、与媒体多任务操作相关的个性因素,以及媒体多任务操作与抑郁、社交恐怖等不良情绪的关系。方法:在北京某大学BBS上发帖,通过网络在线问卷调查238名大学生。使用媒体使用问卷(MUQ)测查媒体使用情况及媒体多任务操作程度(即媒体多任务操作指数,MMI),用感觉寻求量表(SSS)、流调中心用抑郁量表(CESD)、社交恐怖症量表(SPIN)和艾森克个性问卷(EPQ)测查个体感觉寻求水平、抑郁水平、社交恐怖水平和人格特点。结果:本组大学生MMI均值为(3.2±1.4)。男生比女生花更多时间进行信息搜索(中位数:1.3 h vs.1.0 h)和游戏(中位数:0.7 h vs.0.2 h),女生比男生花更多的时间进行社会交互(中位数:1.9 h vs.1.6 h)和看电影(中位数:1.3 h vs.1.0 h),均P≤0.05。 MMI得分与媒体使用的总时间、SSS的放纵欲望和厌恶单调得分、精神质得分、CESD得分、SPIN得分均正相关(r=0.18~0.31,均P<0.05)。回归分析表明,在控制感觉寻求和人格等因素后,MMI仍能解释抑郁3%的变异和社交恐怖2%的变异。结论:大学生在一个媒体活动的时间段内平均同时进行多种媒体活动;男生和女生偏好不同的媒体活动。高感觉寻求水平和高精神质水平的个体更倾向于进行媒体多任务操作;媒体多任务操作和抑郁及社交恐怖相关。
其他语种文摘 Objective:To explore the characteristics of media multitasking in Chinese college students and its relation to personality,depression and social phobia.Methods:Through posting on the bulletin board system (BBS) of a university in Beijing,238 college students were recruited and investigated with online survey.They were assessed with the Media Use Questionnaire (MUQ) for measuring media activities and media multitasking,Sensation Seeking Scale (SSS) for sensation seeking,Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CESD) for depression symptoms,Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN) for social phobia and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) for personality.Results:The media multitasking index (MMI) of college students was (3.2±1.4).Male students spent more time on information seeking (medians,1.3h vs.1.0h) and video game (medians,0.7h vs.0.2h) than females,However,female students spent more time on social interaction(medians,1.9h vs.1.6h) and watching movie (medians,1.3h vs.1.0h),Ps≤0.05.MMI was significantly correlated with overall media use time and the scores of SSS "boredom susceptibility" and "disinhibition",EPQ "psychoticism",CESD "depression" and SPIN (r=0.18-0.31,P<0.05).Regression analyses revealed that higher MMI was associated with higher scores of CESD and SPIN,even after controlling for sensation seeking and the personality traits (uniqueR2=0.03 and 0.02).Conclusion:It suggests that college students simultaneously access to several media tasks,and male students and female students show different preference in media use.Those with high sensation seeking or psychoticism would be more prone to media multitasking,and media multitasking is related to depression and social phobia.
来源 中国心理卫生杂志 ,2014,28(4):277-282 【核心库】
关键词 媒体多任务操作 ; 感觉寻求 ; 人格特点 ; 抑郁 ; 社交恐怖 ; 不良情绪 ; 现况调查

中国科学院心理研究所, 中国科学院行为科学重点实验室, 北京, 100101

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-6729
学科 社会科学总论;神经病学与精神病学
基金 中科院重点部署项目 ;  国家973计划 ;  科技基础性工作专项《国民重要心理特征调查》
文献收藏号 CSCD:5110463

参考文献 共 31 共2页

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