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文摘 晶状体是人眼屈光系统的核心,其视觉调节过程由睫状肌、悬韧带和晶状体共同实现:通过睫状肌牵引悬韧带运动,引起晶状体变形(变凸或扁平),从而改变眼睛的屈光力,使得眼睛聚光的焦点准确地落在视网膜上,最终产生视觉.晶状体的视觉调节从本质上说是一个力学问题,调节过程的实现与视觉质量紧密相关;同时调节机制也是最常见的眼部老化退行性疾病-老视的核心问题.本文介绍了晶状体调节的各种理论假说及其发展,并概述了晶状体的力学性能.
其他语种文摘 As the core component of optical system, human lens accommodation is realized through the cooperation of ciliary, zonular and lens itself. Ciliary dragging the connected zonular leads to the lens deformation change which finally alters optical power. Through this process, light can focus on the retina and result in visual sense. Actually, lens accommodation is a mechanical process that affects visual quality and the prevalent eye degenerative diseases-presbyopia. This paper illustrates various lens accommodation theories as well as their developments, and also summarizes the mechanical properties of lens.
来源 力学与实践 ,2012,34(1):1-9 【扩展库】
关键词 人眼晶状体 ; 调节机制 ; 力学性能

中国科学院力学研究所, 非线性力学国家重点实验室, 北京, 100190

语种 中文
ISSN 1000-0879
学科 基础医学
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:4779614

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