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Responses of Beginning Freeze and Thaw Phase of Soil Surface to Climate Change in Qinghai


祁如英 1   王启兰 2  
文摘 通过对青海省8个农气观测站的土壤表面始冻期和解冻期连续观测资料的分析,结果表明:青海各地土壤表面始冻期和解冻期存在着明显的地域差异,多数站点的封冻期呈现出缩短的趋势,互助、德令哈略有延长.始冻期变化受气候变化的明显影响,当3-9月平均气温升高1℃,除贵德、诺木洪、互助站响应不明显外,其余站点的始冻期推迟1.5~7.5d,平均推迟2.3d;当3-9月日照时数增多10h,诺木洪地区始冻期提早0.5d,其余站点的响应不明显;当上年10月至当年2月平均气温升高1℃,除门源、德令哈站的解冻期响应不明显外,其余站点提前2~13d,平均提早2.5d;降水量增多10mm,除诺木洪推迟12d,其余站点推迟2~6d,平均推迟2.3d;当上年10月至当年2月平均气温升高1℃,封冻期日数除河南、门源、贵德响应不明显外,其余缩短2.4~23.1d,平均缩短1.8d.
其他语种文摘 Based on the observed climate data at eight agro-meteorological observation stations in Qinghai Province, the beginning phases of freeze and thaw of soil surface were analyzed. The results showed that beginning freeze and thaw phases had an obvious regional difference. The freeze phases in number of stations had a shortened trend, while it prolonged in Huzhu and Delinha. The changes of the beginning phases of freeze were obviously influenced by climate change. When the mean air temperature from March to September increased by 1℃, the beginning phases of freeze delayed by 1.5 7.5 days, averagely by 2.3 days,except for Guide, Nuomuhong and Huzhu; When the mean air temperature from October of last year to February of next year increased by 1℃, the thaw phase were 2 -13days earlier, averagely 2.3 days, except for Menyuan and Delingha. When the rainfall increased by 10mm, the thaw phase delayed by 2 - 6 days, averagely by 2.3days, except for Nuomuhong 12 days delayed. When the mean air temperature from October of last year to February of next year increased by 1℃, the number of days from beginning freeze phase to thaw phase were shortened by 2. 4 - 23.1 days,averagely by 1.8 days,except for Guide, Henan and Menyuan.
来源 中国农业气象 ,2006,27(2):134-138 【核心库】
关键词 冻结期 ; 解冻期 ; 气候变化 ; 响应

1. 青海省气候资料中心, 西宁, 810001  

2. 中国科学院西北高原生物研究所

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-6362
学科 农业基础科学
基金 国家自然科学基金 ;  中国科学院资源环境领域野外台站研究基金 ;  中国科学院西北高原生物研究所知识创新工程重点领域项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:2362509

参考文献 共 8 共1页

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