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The characteristics of social groups of the Tibetan antelope (Pantholops hodgsoni) in the Kekexili region


文摘 藏羚(Pantholops hodgsoni)的集群类型有雌性群、雄性群、母仔群、雌雄混群和独羚5种形式。2002年7月~2003年12月,在可可西里地区沿青藏公路设立试验区,直接观察到936群次,计13795只次藏羚。藏羚的集群类型受到生育周期的影响,季节间差异显著。春季以雌性群(60.49%)和雄性群(30.86%)为主;夏季和秋季主要为雌性群(41.65%,49.66%)和母仔群(49.36%,33.67%);雌雄混群(58.14%)主要出现在冬季。雄性群在1年中很少见,尤其是夏秋两季,冬季较为常见,多由亚成体雄性组成。独羚是一种特殊的集群类型,占11.32%。常见的集群大小为2~20只,占71.90%,其次是21~200只的群,占16.35%;>200只的集群极少,仅占0.43%,且仅出现于夏季产羔往返迁徙途中。藏羚的集群大小受竞争、捕食风险以及迁徙繁殖的共同影响。藏羚的集群极不稳定,交配期雌雄混合群受雄性亚成体的干扰经常改变,而在迁徙季节大群和小群之间的转换也很频繁。大型集群为雌性群或母仔群,其最适集群大小为2~20只。
其他语种文摘 We report characteristics of social groups in the Tibetan antelope (Pantholops hodgsoni). Field work was conducted from July 2002 to December 2003 in and near the Kekexili National Nature Reserve, in Qinghai Province, China. We recorded 936 unique antelope groups comprising 13,795 individuals (including duplicates). We designated an "experimental area" in which most observations were made, and which was an important migration corridor and rutting ground for antelope, and was located along the Golmud-Lhasti highway. Additional observations were made during spring 2003 in the interior of the Reserve. We defined 5 types of Tibetan antelope groups, female (41. 45% of total observations), male (4. 49%), ewe-lamb (31. 20%), mixed-sex (11. 54), and individual animals (11.32%). The frequency of each type of group varied (/><0. 001) seasonally. In spring, 60.49% of observed groups were female, and 30.86% were male. In summer, female (41.65%) and ewe-lamb (49. 36%) groups predominated, as they did during autumn (49. 66% and 33. 67% respectively). During these 2 seasons, male groups were rarely encountered, because they moved away from the experimental area during this migration period. During winter, more than half (58. 14% ) of observed groups were mating (mixed-sex) groups, and consisted of 1 adult male and 2-12 mature females. Other groups during winter consisted of sub-adult males, which we observed in areas separate from those occupied by mating groups. Thus, male groups were also very common in winter. Seasonal dynamics of grouping behavior were related to the annual breeding and migration cycles. We observed subadult males attempting to mate with females being attacked by adult males, and believe that their mating attempts were unsuccessful. Attacks on subadult males by adult males resulted in frequent changes in composition of the mating groups. Group size varied from 1 to 604. Most (71- 90%) groups fell within our category of 2~20, fewer (16. 35%) within our category of 21 - 200, and very few (0.43%) were >200 animals. Single antelope usually remained alone for only several hours to days, and then joined larger groups. We observed splitting and combining of smaller and larger groups. The largest groups did not include males, but rather were either female (prior to lambing) or ewe-lamb (after lambing). Our data suggest that antelope prefer group sizes of 2~20.
来源 生态学报 ,2005,25(6):1341-1346 【核心库】
关键词 藏羚 ; 社群 ; 集群大小 ; 集群类型 ; 可可西里地区

中国科学院西北高原生物研究所, 青海, 西宁, 810001

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-0933
学科 普通生物学;动物学
基金 青海省科技攻关重大项目 ;  中国科学院知识创新工程领域前沿项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:2107954

参考文献 共 34 共2页

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