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Computable Models on the Temporal and Spatial Scale of an Optimum Tourism Destination Circle


李山   王铮 *  
文摘 立足旅游圈的"组合产品"属性,引入游时和旅径分别从时间尺度和空间尺度来衡量旅游圈规模,从而发展适度旅游圈时空规模分析的可计算模型,并对长江三角洲旅游圈进行了案例研究.结果表明:[1]适度旅游圈规模与游客出行尺度显著正相关,以游览时间(T_1,天)表征的适度旅游圈时间规模随游客出行距离(D,km)增加而呈现出T_1=0.0715D~(0.5666)的幂函数形式增长;以旅径(φ,km)测度的适度旅游圈空间规模随游客出行距离增加而呈现为"Y"型模式的分段函数关系,其中当D ≤ 322时,φ=0,而当D>322时,φ=253.6 lnD-1464.6.[2]在中国大陆,仅考虑市场因素,距离目的地300 km以内的近程市场需求是旅游地发展的基础性力量:而300 km以外的市场需求则驱动了旅游圈的形成和扩张,且其规模的增长具有收敛性,就适度旅径而言不宜超过600 km.⑨旅游圈以连续型游时和离散型旅径之间的"时空联动"实现从一个规模状态向另一个规模状态的"跃迁".形成嵌套结构;就长江三角洲旅游圈而言,沪苏杭圈和沪宁杭圈已经发展成熟,并分别试图向沪苏黄圈和沪宁黄圈跃迁,而新的沪杭甬圈也正在形成.
其他语种文摘 Tourism destination circle(TDC) is a kind of destination region, which is defined as a spatial collaborating organization, which inhabits a certain geographic space, and has one or several tourism distributing centers as well as many tourism areas (or tourism attraction complexes), It can supply enough products and services for an effective visit. Here, the scale of an optimum TDC is of vital importance: If the scale is beyond the actual demand of visitors, then the TDC is inefficient and some tourism resources (or products) are wasted; if the scale is less than the actual demand of visitors, then the visitors cannot be fulfilled and the TDC cannot develop well, In this paper, tour-time (T, including traveling time T_0 and visiting time T_1, unit: days) and tour-diameter (φ, unit: kilometers) are introduced to measure the scale of TDC, in which tour-time is a scale from temporal dimension while tour-diameter is a scale from spatial dimension. Two computable models on the scale of an optimum TDC are proposed based on statistical analysis of the data gathered from more than 600 travel itineraries, which are applied in the Yangtze River Delta as an example. The research shows that: 1) There is a high significantly positive correlation between the scale of an optimum TDC and the traveling distance (D, unit: kilometers), in which T_1 = 0.0715D~(0.5655) and T_0 = 0.1908D~(0.4601), while φ = 0 (if D ≤322) or φ= 253.61nD - 1464.6 (if D > 322). 2) When we consider only market factors, the demand of tourism market within 300 kilometers from a destination region is the basic force for the development of tourism areas, and then the formation and expansion of TDCs are induced by the demand of tourism market beyond 300 kilometers from the destination regions. The increase of TDC is convergent, which should be less than 600 kilometers. 3) The scale of TDC will "transfer" from one state to another based on "time-space linkage" between continuous tour-time and discrete tour-diameter, which leads to the formation of a nested structure of TDC.
来源 地理学报 ,2009,64(10):1255-1266 【核心库】
关键词 旅游圈 ; 区域旅游合作 ; 目的地区域 ; 游时 ; 旅径 ; 长江三角洲

华东师范大学, 地理信息科学教育部重点实验室, 上海, 200062

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 自然地理学
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:3673263

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2 李山 旅游空间相互作用的引力模型及其应用 地理学报,2012,67(4):526-544
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