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Enzymatic and microbial degradation of organic matter in lake hongfeng of guizhou province


文摘 文章通过DNA、α-葡萄糖苷酶和流酸盐还原菌等的变化,研究了贵州红枫湖沉积物中有机质的酶及微生物降解。有机质在微生物及其分泌的胞外酶的作用下被降解,在沉积物深度11cm以下被降解到相对较低的含量。DNA的分布表明表层9cm的沉积物深度内微生物的活动较为强烈,是微生物降解有机质的主要位置。α-葡萄糖苷酶在悬浮层含量最高,达0.75μmol/min·g干沉积物,提示有机质中的淀粉和糖原等物质在悬浮层降解较为激烈,被大量分解;随着沉积物深度的增加α-葡萄糖苷酶活性减弱,在有机质降解明显开始变缓的11cm沉积物中,α-葡萄糖苷酶活性已降低到0.17μmol/min·g干沉积物。分子生物学的研究表明红枫湖沉积物表层7cm是硫酸盐还原菌的主要分布位置,结合有机质和SO_4~(2-)含量的研究结果,提示红枫湖沉积物中SO_4~(2-)不可能成为有机质氧化的主要电子受体,硫酸盐还原的限制因素也不是有机质供应。
其他语种文摘 Enzymatic and microbial degradation of organic matter in Lake Hongfeng of Guizhou Province were studied through variations of DNA, α-glucosidase and sulfate reduction bacteria. Organic matter is degraded by microbes and extracellular enzymes excreted by them, to a relative low content below 11cm of sediment depth. The variation of DNA contents indicated that microbe activities are strong in the upper 9cm which are main locations of organic matter degradation by microbes. Content of a-glucosidase is highest in suspend layer, it is 0.75μmol /min·g dry sediments, suggesting starch and hepatin of organic matter are degraded strongly with a mass of decomposing. Activities of a-gl-ucosidase decrease with sediment depth. Below 11cm depth at which organic matter degradation star-led to slow, a-glucosidase activity has reduced to 0.17μmol /min-g dry sediment. Molecular biolog-ical research indicated that the main distribution location of sulfate reduction bacteria among 7cm of upper layer sediments layer sediments of Lake Hongfeng. Combined with the research results of vari-ations of organic matter and SO_4~(2-) , indicated that SO_4~(2-) is not likely to become important electron ac-ceptor and sulfate reduction is not limited by the supply of organic matter in Lake Hongfeng.
来源 第四纪研究 ,2003,23(5):565-572 【核心库】
关键词 沉积物 ; 有机质 ; ; 微生物 ; 红枫湖

中国科学院地球化学研究所, 环境地球化学国家重点实验室, 贵阳, 550002

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1001-7410
学科 地质学
基金 国家自然科学基金 ;  中国科学院知识创新工程项目 ;  贵州省项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:1173180

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