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The spatial-temporal patterns of the impact of human activities on vegetation coverage in China from 2001 to 2015


王建邦 1   赵军 1 *   李传华 1   朱钰 2   康重阳 1   高超 1  
文摘 基于MODIS-NDVI和气温、降水数据,使用基于变异系数的人为影响模型定量计算了2001-2015年中国植被覆盖人为影响,辅以趋势分析、Hurst指数等方法探讨了中国植被覆盖人为影响的时空变化特征及未来演变趋势。研究发现:①2001-2015年,中国植被覆盖人为影响由南向北空间分异愈发明显,年均值为-0.0102,植被覆盖在人类活动影响下轻微减少,负影响面积占51.59%,略大于正影响面积。②中国植被覆盖人为影响年际变化特征明显,整体呈负影响波动减少趋势,降速为0.5%/10a,其中正影响、负影响均呈增大趋势,正影响增速(0.3%/10a)远大于负影响(0.02%/10a)。③2001-2015年间,中国植被覆盖人为正影响重心向东北方向移动,负影响重心向西南方向移动,东北部植被覆盖在人为影响下不断改善,西南部人类活动对植被破坏程度不断增大。④中国植被覆盖人为影响主要呈负影响减少和正影响增大趋势,面积占比分别为28.14%和25.21%,生态环境趋于改善。⑤Hurst指数分析表明,中国植被覆盖人为影响未来演变趋势的反向特征强于正向特征,主要呈人为负影响先减少后增大趋势,面积占比15.59%。
其他语种文摘 Based on MODIS-NDVI and climate data, using an artificial influence model based on coefficient of variation to quantitatively calculate the human impact of vegetation cover (NDVIh) in China from 2001 to 2015,Sen+Mann-Kendall model and Hurst index were used to analyze the spatial- temporal feature and the future trends. It was found that: (1) In the year from 2001 to 2015,the Spatial Differentiation of NDVIh in China was more obvious from southern part to northern part, with an average annual mean value of - 0.0102, the vegetation coverage decreased slightly under human activities, the negative impact area accounting for 51.59% which is slightly larger than the positive impact area. (2) The interannual variation of NDVIh in China is obvious, showing the negative impact volatility decreased, the rate of decline is 0.5%/10a; among which the positive and negative effects all showed an increasing trend, the positive growth rate (0.3%/10a) is much larger than the negative impact (0.02%/10a). (3) During 2001-2015,the center of gravity of positive impact has moved to the northeast, the center of gravity of negative impact has moved to the southwest, vegetation cover in northeastern China has improved under the influence of mankind, and human activities in the southwest have increased the degree of vegetation destruction. (4) The proportion of "negative impact reduction" and "positive impact increase" trend of NDVIh in China appeared to be the largest which accounting for 28.14% and 25.21% of the total, and the ecological environment is improving. (5) The reverse characteristics of NDVIh change were stronger than the same characteristic in China, mainly showed a negative impact which decreased at the first and then increased with the rate of 15.59% of the total area.
来源 地理学报 ,2019,74(3):504-519 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201903008
关键词 植被覆盖 ; 人为影响 ; 空间分布 ; 变化趋势

1. 西北师范大学地理与环境科学学院, 兰州, 730070  

2. 云南大学国际河流与生态安全研究院, 昆明, 650500

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
基金 国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6447512

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