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Research Progress of Black Soil in Northeast China


文摘 东北黑土区是世界四大片黑土区之一,它以高有机质和高肥力而著称,不仅是东北农业发展的基础,也是中国的粮仓,在保障国家粮食安全中具有举足轻重的地位。针对东北黑土自身的特色和面临的问题,首先描述了东北黑土地形成的条件及自然黑土的属性特征;其次阐述了黑土被开垦后农田化过程中土壤属性和肥力的演化情况,土壤有机质大幅度下降,土壤肥力降低,已严重影响到东北黑土地农业的可持续发展;在此基础上分析了黑土区耕作土壤不同保护途经及其对土壤肥力的影响机制;最后展望了未来黑土地理论研究的侧重点:应加大新技术、新方法和跨学科交叉理论的研究,培育更适合东北黑土地气候条件的高产优质作物品种,并结合目前黑土地保护的技术调控模式,优化作物种植模式,提升作物品质和产量,提高黑土区农业的综合生产力和竞争力、保证黑土区农业的永续利用。
其他语种文摘 The black soil region in Northeast China is one of the world’s four black soil regions. It is well known for its high organic matter content and high fertility. It is not only the basis for the development of agriculture in Northeast China, but also the granary of China, which plays a decisive role in safeguarding the national food security. According to the characteristics and problems of black soil in Northeast China, this review first elucidates the forming conditions of the black soil and the natural characteristics. Secondly, we describe the evolution of soil properties and fertility in the process of the reclamation of black soil. The soil organic matter content and soil fertility decreased significantly, which have severely affected the sustainable development of agriculture in black soil region in Northeastern China. Besed on this analysis, different protection pathways and their controlling mechanisms on soil fertility are analyzed. Future research on black soil should be emphasized on the development of new technologies, new methods, and cross-disciplinary theories to ascertain the evolutional characteristics of soil fertility and their influencing factors. It is necessary to cultivate high-yield, high-quality crop varieties that are more suitable for the climatic conditions in Northeast China, to optimize the cropping system in combination with the current technological regulation pattern in this region, to improve the quality and yield of crops, to increase the overall productivity and competitiveness of agriculture soil, and finally to ensure the sustainable use of agriculture in the black soil region.
来源 地理科学 ,2018,38(7):1032-1041 【核心库】
DOI 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.07.004
关键词 土壤有机质 ; 土壤肥力 ; 农田化过程 ; 作物轮作 ; 秸秆还田技术 ; 东北黑土

中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所, 黑龙江, 哈尔滨, 150081

语种 中文
文献类型 综述型
ISSN 1000-0690
学科 农业基础科学
基金 国家重点研发计划项目 ;  中国科学院前沿科学研究重点计划项目 ;  中国科学院青年创新促进会项目 ;  中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所优秀青年人才项目资助
文献收藏号 CSCD:6312230

参考文献 共 54 共3页

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