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Deformation patterns in Zr-based and Ti-based metallic glasses under scratch processes


卢通 1   夏雷 1   胡铮 2   邢建硕 2   胡燕萍 2   徐光跃 2   魏炳忱 2 *  
文摘 采用痕法研究了Zr_(47.9)Ti_(0.3)Ni_(3.1)Cu_(39.3)Al_(9.4)与Ti_(40)Zr_(25)Be_(30)Cr_5两种非晶合金的塑性变特征,考查了载荷与痕速度对塑性变特征的影响.结果表明两种铸态非晶合金样品的剪切带表现出同的特征:Ti非晶合金在痕两侧剪切带现分枝特征,随着载荷和痕速度的增加,出现多重分枝和混乱分特征;而Zr非晶合金的剪切带特征以一次剪切带为主,随载荷和痕速度增加,剪切带特征向单一、平滑趋势转变.进一研究了弛豫对Zr非晶合金痕变特征的影响,发现弛豫使Zr非晶合金剪切带向分枝特征转变.从自由体积观点探讨了两种合金中同剪切带特征的和演制.
其他语种文摘 The plastic deformation features of Zr-and Ti-based bulk metallic glasses(BMGs) are investigated by scratch method under different applied load and scratch velocity.The results show that the two BMG systems exhibit quite different shear band features during scratch processes.Shear band branching are found in Ti-based BMG,and the branching are more prominent at high applied load and rate during the scratch process.In contrast,the Zr-based BMG shows primary shear band dominating pattern,which becomes more straight and regular at high load and rate.Furthermore,the effect of structural relaxation on the shear band feature during scratch tests is studied.It is found that relaxation gives rise to a distinct transition from primary shear band dominating pattern to a branching and irregular pattern in the Zr-based BMG.The mechanism of change of the shear band pattern is discussed in the view of free volume theory.
来源 中国科学. 物理学 , 力学, 天文学,2012,42(6):603-608 【核心库】
DOI 10.1360/132012-293
关键词 非晶合金 ; ; 剪切带 ; 塑性变

1. 上海大学材料学院, 上海, 200072  

2. 中国科学院力学研究所, 北京, 100190

语种 中文
ISSN 1674-7275
学科 金属学与金属工艺
基金 国家973计划 ;  国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:4598110

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1 武博文 四元Gd_(55-x)Zr_xAl_(23)Ni_(22)非晶合金的凝固形成机理和微观力学性能研究 中国科学. 技术科学,2024,54(7):1357-1367
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