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Strengthening and Toughening Design and Development of Mg-Rare Earth Alloys


文摘 镁合金作为最轻质的结构材料,在电子产品及汽车工业领域具有广泛的应用前景。相比于非稀土镁合金,稀土镁合金具有强度高且高温性能好的优点,而成为研究热点之一。本文重点介绍了高稀土含量镁合金和低稀土含量镁合金的强韧化方法。高稀土含量的镁合金可以调控三角分布的棱柱面片状析出相β',阻碍位错滑移,提高合金强度。低稀土含量的镁合金可以采用表面机械研磨处理方法得到表面含有纳米晶中心含有孪晶的梯度组织,利用细晶强化和孪晶强化提高合金强度。
其他语种文摘 Magnesium alloys are the lightest structural alloys developed so far and have a great potential for lightweight applications, ranging from portable electronic devices to automobile parts. Comparing to Mg alloys containing no rare earth (RE),Mg-RE alloys attracted more and more attentions due to the higher strengths at both room temperature and elevated temperature. Strengthening methods for Mg alloys with high RE contents and low RE contents were introduced respectively in this paper. For Mg alloys with high RE contents, precipitates of β' lying in the triangular prismatic plates can impede dislocation slip effectively to enhance the strength of the alloy. For Mg alloys with low RE contents,the microstructure containing nano grains in the surface layer and twinning in the center can be obtained by surface mechanical attrition treatment. Thus the Mg alloy can be strengthened by both refinement strengthening of nano grains and twinning strengthening of RE segregated twin boundaries.
来源 航空材料学报 ,2017,37(1):18-25 【核心库】
DOI 10.11868/j.issn.1005-5053.2016.100001
关键词 稀土镁合金 ; 强化 ; 析出相 ; 纳米晶 ; 孪晶

上海交通大学, 金属基复合材料国家重点实验室, 上海, 200240

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1005-5053
学科 金属学与金属工艺
基金 国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:5921610

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