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M anufacturing Development in Chicago and Location Theories


王法辉 1   胡忆东 2  
文摘 作为美国三大城市之一的芝加哥位于美国中西部的老工业区, 其兴衰历程与制造业的发展密切相关, 是老工业区“锈带复兴”的典型案例之一。从地理学的角度, 简要介绍芝加哥的地理位置与制造业发展历史;阐述制造业在芝加哥整体经济中的地位, 制造业的地理分布及郊区化;分析芝加哥制造业发展的区位因素, 加深对工业发展一般规律的理解;讨论政府政策和规划对芝加哥制造业的影响, 提高对公共政策和规划设计重要性的认识;最后总结对芝加哥制造业研究的一些启示。重点在于分析芝加哥制造业发展的区位论原理, 探索产业发展的一般规律, 以期对中国当前的老工业基地改造以及新产业的合理布局起到借鉴作用。
其他语种文摘 Chicago, one of the three largestcities in the U. S., hasbeen amajormanufacturing city in the Midwestern“Rusty Belt”sincemid-1800s. As illustrated by the famousgeographic historian W illiam Cronon, Chicago is a“nature’smetropolis”, and itsgrowth is largely attributed to itsunique geographic location. In its early stage of developmentthroughoutthe 19th centuryup to the early 1900s, Chicago’s industries relied on itshinterland for lumber, grain andmeatsupplies and also provided the surrounding rural areaswith agriculturalmachinery and other industrialgoods. Its interdependencewith the ruralhinterland and its surrounding agriculturalpatterns can be explained by the von Thünen mode.l From the early 1900s to 1970s, Chicago gained significan growth in heavy industries ( iron and stee, l transportation equipmen, t chemical and construction materials, etc. ). Its economic prosperity benefited from its proximity to the Great Lakes and access to Mississippi River (through Illinois River) for cheapwaterway transportation aswell as a radial railway network centered at Chicago. Weber’s industrial location theory, particularly the role of transportation cos, t sheds lighton understanding Chicago’s industrialdevelopmentduring thisperiod. In the later 1900s, likemany cities in the old“Rusty Belt” (from the Midwest to the Northeast) in the U. S., Chicago lostmuch of itsmanufacturing to the suburbia, to the south and even overseas. In addition to the drive for cheaper labor, more spacious land, easy access to interstate highways or better climate, non-traditional location factors particularly government policy and planning have played an important role. Chicago hasminimized the impact of loss of manufacturing employmen, t to a large exten, t by diversifying its economy. The purpose of this study is two-fold: to understand the history of Chicago’s manufacturing development in light of the classic location theories, and also in the hope, to learn some valuable lessons from Chicago’s experience and help us craft effective plans and policies in some old manufacturing regions in China.
来源 地理科学 ,2010,30(2):175-183 【核心库】
关键词 芝加哥 ; 制造业发展 ; 区位论原理

1. 路易斯安那州立大学地理与人类学系, 美国, 70803  

2. 武汉市城市规划设计研究院, 湖北, 武汉, 430014

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-0690
学科 社会科学总论
基金 武汉市城市规划设计研究院, “芝加哥制造业发展和对武汉的启示研究”课题 ;  国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:3895546

参考文献 共 9 共1页

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引证文献 4

1 袁丰 无锡城市制造业企业区位调整与苏南模式重组 地理科学,2012,32(4):401-408
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2 孟德友 中部省区制造业区域专业化分工与竞合关系演进 地理科学,2012,32(8):913-920
CSCD被引 5


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