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The Three-dimensional Urban Growth Simulating Based on Cellular Automata


秦静   方创琳 *   王洋  
文摘 目前,二维的方法不能正确描述现代城市立体空间的发展变化,因此,城市三维空间增长的研究对现代城市的发展具有重要意义。本文基于自组织理论及城市发展的自组织性,改进了Bengguigui等的城市空间模拟三维元胞自动机(3DCA)模型,在模型中添加了中心距离及交通距离评价因子,建立了城市三维空间增长的中心距离模型和交通距离模型。重点介绍了模型中评价因子的计算方法及其隐含的经济学含义、评价函数的构成和元胞空间状态的转换规则。最后使用NetLogo 3D建模工具,进行城市三维空间增长仿真模拟实验,结果表明:添加中心距离与交通距离因子后,城市三维空间增长模型更符合现实中城市三维空间扩展过程;进一步证明了城市发展的自组织性,以及他组织力量对城市向高级别发展的促进作用。
其他语种文摘 Research of urban growth has focused on the two-dimensional flat space, while the development of the modern city is three-dimensional. So the development and changes of the modern urban space could not be accurately described by two-dimensional method. Therefore, the research of three-dimensional urban growth has great significance to the future development of the city. Based on the theory of self-organization in urban development, the urban growth simulating model using three-dimensional cellular automata (3DCA) which proposed by Bengguigui was improved. The center distance parameter and the traffic distance parameter were added to the model. And new three-dimensional urban growth models were set up: the center distance model and the transport distance model. The two establishment steps of the model are as follows: Firstly, described the calculation methods and the economic interpretations of all the model parameters. Secondly, gave the potential development function of three-dimensional urban growth and the transition rules of the cellular state. The three-dimensional urban growth simulating experiments based on the given models was developed by NetLogo 3D. NetLogo 3D is a programmable modeling environment for natural and social phenomena simulation, which could show simulating results both in two dimension and three dimension view. The experiment results show that the three-dimensional urban growth simulating with the models proposed in this paper is more approximate to the reality city extension progress than Bengguigui's model, and also prove that the urban development is a self-organized process.
来源 地球信息科学学报 ,2013,15(5):662-671 【核心库】
关键词 城市三维空间增长 ; 3DCA模型 ; 城市增长模拟 ; NetLogo 3D建模

中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京, 100101

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1560-8999
学科 地球物理学
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目 ;  国家“十二五”科技支撑计划项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:4945930

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