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Research progress of relational geography under the background of post-structuralism


蔡晓梅 1,2   刘美新 2,3  
文摘 随着后结构主义思潮和“关系转向”的兴起,关系地理学(relational geography)应运而生。关系地理学把世界理解为流动的拓扑结构以及相互关联的产物,主张关系思维,强调事物在发展过程中相互影响与依存的动态关系。通过对关系地理学相关著作和期刊论文的分析发现,关系地理学的产生受到社会网络分析理论与非表征理论的深刻影响,其重构了空间、地方、尺度与主体性的内涵,提出关系空间、地方关系、多尺度或尺度终结,以及主体间性的地理学概念,建构了新的关于网络、关系和流的拓扑地理。关系地理学现有的实证研究主要聚焦于空间扩散与空间发展、主体发展与社会文化问题、身体与健康旅游/地理等内容。此外,基于“人”与“超越人类”,“物”与“重返物质”4个方面的内容提出关系地理学可能的研究展望,并对“关系”的内涵与外延进行了延伸讨论,以期为中国人文地理学研究提供新的学术视角。
其他语种文摘 The relational geography is conceived with the development of post- structuralism and "relational turn".From the perspective of relational geography,the world is understood as a topological structure of flowing while things are not considered as products of eidos ego but products of the relations.Relational thinking is counter- essentialized,it stresses on the dynamic,inter- dependent interactions between things.Through literature review,we find out the development relational geography is strong influenced by the social network and nonrepresentational theory.The appearance of relational geography reconstructs the connotations of space,place,scale and subjectivity.We put forward the concept of relational space,place relations,multi-scale or the end of scale and the geographical inter-subjectivity.We construct the networking,relational and the flow of topological geography.The current empirical studies of the relational geography focus on the spatial diffusion and expansion,subject development,socio- cultural,bodily,tourist,health issues.Besides,we hope to offer new perspectives for Chinese human geographers based on the concepts of "human","more-than- human","things" and "re-materialization".
来源 地理学报 ,2019,74(8):1680-1694 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201908014
关键词 关系地理学 ; 后结构主义 ; 关系 ; 社会网络分析 ; 非表征理论

1. 华南师范大学旅游管理学院, 广州, 510631  

2. 华南师范大学文化地理与文化产业研究中心, 广州, 510631  

3. 华南师范大学地理科学学院, 广州, 510631

语种 中文
文献类型 综述型
ISSN 0375-5444
基金 国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6553121

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