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A Simulation Study on Calcium Nitrate Restraining the Release of Phosphorus from Sediments


文摘 在实验室模拟了硝酸钙对底泥磷释放的影响、环境效应及作用机制。结果表明,硝酸钙可有效降低孔隙水和上覆水中溶解活性磷(SRP)的浓度,且对于红枫湖底泥来说,抑制磷释放的硝酸钙Ca(NO_3)_2?4H_2O最佳用量为187.5 g/m~2。实验表明硝酸钙的使用是安全的,既可保证上覆水中氨氮浓度满足III类水的要求,也不会造成水体重金属的污染。硝酸钙抑制底泥磷释放作用机制如下:1)硝酸钙在底泥脱氮微生物的作用下发生反硝化作用,在硝态氮被消耗的同时,溶解有机碳亦被氧化降解;2)硝酸钙将底泥中的Fe~(2+)氧化为Fe~(3+),促使铁氧化物及氢氧化物的形成,最终使孔隙水及上覆水中SRP的浓度大幅降低。因此,硝酸钙可有效抑制底泥内源磷的释放,是一种高效的底泥内源磷释放原位钝化剂,可为湖泊底泥磷污染提供有效的治理手段。
其他语种文摘 A simulation study on calcium nitrate restraining the release of phosphorus from sediments of Lake Hongfeng, Guizhou Province, Chinawas performed, and its environmental effects and possible mechanism were also discussed.Results show that calcium nitrate can effectively reduce the soluble and active phosphorus in the pore water and the overlying water. The optimal dosage of calcium nitrate used for sediments from Lake Hongfeng was 187.5 g/m~2. By using calcium nitrate, NH_4~+-N concentration in the overlying water decreases to meet the criterion of NH_4~+-N for class III water quality enacted by Chinese government and the induced pollution of heavy metals in water body is negligible, suggesting that calcium nitrate is environmentally safe. The corresponding mechanism was listed as follows,1)the added calcium nitrate can accelerate microbial denitrification of the sediments, and in the meantime, dissolved organic carbon is degraded with the consumption of the nitrate; 2)the added calcium nitrate can oxidize Fe~(2+) in sediments into the form of Fe~(3+), which help to the formation of iron oxide and oxide-hydroxide, thus significantly decreases SRP in the pore water and the overlying water. In conclusion, calcium nitrate can effectively restrain the release of phosphorus from sediment and could be an efficient agent for in situ passivation of phosphorus in sediment. This study could provide an effective method for restraining the release of endogenous phosphorus in sediment.
来源 地球与环境 ,2015,43(5):565-571 【核心库】
DOI 10.14050/j.cnki.1672-9250.2015.05.013
关键词 硝酸钙 ; 底泥 ; ; 模拟研究

中国科学院地球化学研究所, 环境地球化学国家重点实验室, 贵阳, 550002

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1672-9250
学科 环境污染及其防治
基金 国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5593909

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