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Spatial pattern of ancient city sites and its driving forces in Mu Us Sandy Land during Han Dynasty


文摘 运用最近邻指数法、空间分析法和耦合分析方法,研究了毛乌素沙地31座汉代古城遗址的分布特征,探讨了古城遗址空间格局与地理环境要素之间的关系。通过对31处古城址进行点格局分析,得出古城遗址间平均最近邻直线距离为25.5 km,属于凝聚分布模式。汉代古城遗址主要集中在4个集聚区,即秦长城—秦直道强影响区(A)、秦长城—秦直道弱影响区(B)、西南集聚区(C)及西北集聚区(D)。其中,秦长城—秦直道强影响区(A)是最主要的遗址分布区,占古城址总量的48.4%。毛乌素沙地汉代古城遗址呈西疏东密的分布特征,形成明显的“空间组群”格局。在当时的气候背景下,地貌和水资源等自然因素主要制约城址的选择,而政治、军事和交通区位等人文因素则对古城遗址的数量和空间结构起主导作用。
其他语种文摘 This paper presents an analysis of the spatial distribution of 31 city sites of Han Dynasty in the Mu Us Sandy Land based on Nearest Neighbor Index (NNI) analysis, space analysis and coupling analysis. It further explores the relationships between the spatial pattern of the sites and geographical factors. Point pattern analysis of 31 city sites indicates that, the average nearest neighbor distance of city sites is 25.5 km, which belongs to causal distributional pattern with the 4 causal distribution regions: the strong influence area of the Great Wall of the Qin Dynasty - the Straight Road of the Qin Dynasty (A), the weak influence area of the Great Wall of the Qin Dynasty - the Straight Road of the Qin Dynasty (B), southwestern cluster district (C) and northwestern cluster district (D) and the strong influence area of the Great Wall of the Qin Dynasty - the Straight Road of the Qin Dynasty (A) is the most important region with a proportion of 48.39% of the total. The city sites of the Han Dynasty in the Mu Us Sandy Land Desert are sparsely distributed in the west and densely in the east, which may be characterized as "patial agglomeration". The paper includes a discussion of factors influencing the spatial pattern of city sites, notably, human factors and natural factors. Although climate condition, landforms and water resources mainly restrict the selection of the city, human-driven forces, including political, military, and transport conditions, have played a leading role in the formation of the location and the number of the city sites.
来源 地理学报 ,2016,71(5):873-882 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201605015
关键词 毛乌素沙地 ; 古城遗址 ; 汉代 ; 空间格局 ; 驱动力

兰州大学资源环境学院兰州大学干旱区与沙漠研究中心, 兰州, 730000

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5713491

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