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Study on Land Use/Cover Change in Upper Reach of Yangtze River Basin Based on the DEM Data


文摘 全球环境变化与可持续发展是当今关切的重大问题之一,而土地利用/覆盖变化研究则是其中的热点和前沿领域,目前.严重的生态环境已成为长江上游地区经济社会发展的重大障碍.也是本区和整个长江流域实现可持续发展的最主要的制约因素。本文在DEM基础上。分析了2000年长江上游高程、坡度和坡向与土地利用的关系。研究结果表明,随着高程、坡度和坡向的变化.2000年长江上游的土地利用类型也有很大差异,这些凼素对长江上游的土地利用有着重要的影响,为了保护生态环境,促进本区和整个长江流域实现可持续发展,需进一步因地制宜,结合高程、坡度和坡向等影响因素优化土地利用类型和改善地表覆盖。
其他语种文摘 Today, more and more research has focused on the issues of Global Environmental Change(GEC) and sustainable development(SD), and the study of land use/cover change is a hot subject and front issue among all the researches. The serious eco-environment problems have been an obstacle to the economic and social development in upper reach of Yangtze River Basin, and the natural degradation also restricts the sustainable development for upper reach and all regions of Yangtze River Basin. Based on the DEM data, this paper analyzed the relationship of land use with elevation, slope and aspect in 2000. It is discovered in the result that the types of land use in upper reach of Yangtze River Basin in 2000 changed with different grade of elevation, slope and aspect. It is also indicated that these topographical factors have important influence on land use in upper reach of Yangtze River Basin. In order to protect the eco-environment and to promote the sustainable development in the upper reach and all regions of Yangtze River Basin, land use management should be enhanced based on the local condition. And further research should be developed to optimize land use and improve land cover with the influenced factors such as elevation, slope and aspect.
来源 地理科学进展 ,2006,25(1):102-108,T0001 【核心库】
关键词 长江上游 ; 土地利用 ; 数字高程模型 ; 地理信息系统

北京师范大学环境学院, 环境模拟与污染控制国家重点试验室, 北京, 100875

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1007-6301
学科 社会科学总论;环境科学基础理论
基金 国家973计划
文献收藏号 CSCD:2307814

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