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LA-MC-ICPMS in-situ boron isotope analyses of tourmalines from the Shangbao granites (southern Hunan Province) and its geological significance


文摘 电气石的 LA-MC-ICPMS 原位微区硼同位素分析方法是最近几年新兴的一种高效经济的硼同位素分析方法。对上堡晚白垩世含电气石二云母花岗岩的电气石进行 LA-MC-ICPMS 原位微区的硼同位素研究发现,其具有非常均一的~(11)B/~(10)B比值(3.9908~3.9979)和δ~(11)B值(加权平均为(-12.86±0.19)‰)。结合区域地质资料以及其他已有的硼同位素资料,提出上堡花岗岩中硼来源于沉积岩,可能的源区是邻近花岗岩体的石炭-二叠系的沉积地层或深埋在地壳中的沉积物质。在晚白垩世,华南处于伸展的背景中,幔源岩浆的底侵带来的巨大的热源使地壳中的沉积物质发生熔融,形成强过铝质的花岗质浆,在岩浆演化的晚期形成电气石。
其他语种文摘 LA-MC-ICPMS tourmaline in-situ boron (B) isotope analysis method, which is very efficient and economic, was newly established in recent few years. The LA-MC-ICPMS tourmaline in-situ B isotope analyses for the Shangbao tourmaline-bearing two mica granites exhibit that these tourmalines have very constant ~(11)B/~(10)B ratios (3.9908-3.9979) and δ~(11)B values (Mean= (-12.86±0.19)‰). Combined with regional geological data and other previous boron isotope data, we infer that the B element of the Shangbao granites was probably derived from sedimentary rocks, and a possible source was the Carboniferous or Permian sedimentary strata which is near to the Shangbao pluton, or sedimentary materials which were deeply buried in the crust. During Late Cretaceous, as the whole South China Block was under an extensional setting, the underplating mantle-derived magmas heated the overlying sedimentary materials, resulting in their partial melting and the generation of strongly peraluminous magmas. The tourmaline crystallized during the late stage of the evolution of these magmas.
来源 地球化学 ,2014,43(1):11-19 【核心库】
关键词 LA-MC-ICPMS ; 原位硼同位素 ; 电气石 ; 上堡花岗岩 ; 华南

中国科学院广州地球化学研究所, 同位素地球化学国家重点实验室, 广东, 广州, 510640

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0379-1726
学科 地质学
基金 国家自然科学基金 ;  国家973计划
文献收藏号 CSCD:5046447

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