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Proposition and certification of moving mean difference method for detecting abrupt change points


文摘 时间序列突变点的检测研究是当前气候变化问题的关键环节,其方法和成果也较多,传统的检测方法因统计量结构不合理、假设条件不符合实际以及受主观因素影响等,结果常常缺乏可信度。本文提出一种新的时间序列突变点的检测方法——滑动平均差检测法,将该方法分别用理想时间序列和实际观测序列进行应用检验,并与现有常用的4种突变检验方法比较,发现滑动平均差法具有:①结构简单、物理意义明确;②检测突变点更精确;③能同时检测出所有突变点的突变位置和其突变强度3个明显的优势。综合利用滑动平均差检测法和传统的4种方法,对黄河流域几个重点水文控制站实测输沙量资料进行突变分析,结果表明:黄河上游输沙量在1986年发生突变,黄河中游输沙量在1979年和1996年发生突变,华县站和潼关站输沙量在1979年、1996年和2003年发生突变,造成输沙量突变的主要因素为水利工程建设和大规模水土保持措施等人类活动。
其他语种文摘 The abrupt change point detection is an important content in the research of current climate change problem. And many methods and achievements have already been proposed. The results of traditional methods are often considered to be unpersuasive due to the irrational structure of statistics, ideal assumptions and subjectivity. In this paper, a new method called moving mean difference method for abrupt change points detection is proposed. It is compared with four widely used methods via both hypothetic series and observed data. The results show that the moving mean difference method has three advantages: (1) The method has a simple structure and definite physical meaning; (2) It is more accurate to detect the mutation point; (3) It can simultaneously detect all the mutation points and calculate the corresponding intensity of the mutations. The sediment discharge abrupt changes in different reaches of the Yellow River are analyzed through the five methods, based on the annual data obtained from the main hydrological stations in the Yellow River Basin. The results indicate that the sediment discharge in the upper reaches the river mutated in 1986, while that in the middle reaches changed suddenly in 1979 and 1996. The mutations of sediment discharge at Huaxian and Tongguan stations occurred in 1979, 1996 and 2003. The main factors for the mutation are human activities, including hydraulic engineering construction and large- scale water and soil conservation measures.
来源 地理学报 ,2018,73(11):2075-2085 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201811003
关键词 滑动平均差检测法 ; 时间序列 ; 突变检验 ; 黄河流域 ; 输沙量

河海大学水文水资源学院, 南京, 210098

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 地球物理学
基金 国家重点研发计划专项 ;  中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务专项基金 ;  江苏省研究生科研与实践创新计划项目 ;  中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金
文献收藏号 CSCD:6364803

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1. 中国1km栅格月平均气温数据集

2. 东南亚地区2010年MODIS-NDVI再分析(加密、去噪、重建)数据集

3. 纳库鲁湖面1976-2015年间变化数据集

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