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Thermodynamic calculation and optimization of geothermal power generation in Ganzi


王延欣 1   王令宝 2   李华山 2   卜宪标 2 *  
文摘 为给后续地热电站建设提供设计依据,以甘孜地热井作为研究对象,根据放喷获得的冷热源数据对发电工艺进行选择并对热力过程进行计算,考虑发电规模和设备供应,选择有机朗肯循环及其两种改进型作为发电工艺。通过热力计算比较三种发电工艺的性能,优选出适宜的发电工艺。结果表明:存在最优的蒸发温度使单位热水发电量最大,基本朗肯循环(BORC)、闪蒸朗肯循环(FORC)和两级朗肯循环( TSORC)对应的最优蒸发温度分别为60、70和75 ℃,在该温度下,对应的热效率分别为10.74%、10.89%和11.45%,单位热水发电量分别为8.77、10.09和10.3 kW·h/ t,地热尾水排放温度分别为45.02、35.55和37.9 ℃。仅从上述三个参数考虑,TSORC 系统最优,FORC系统次之。
其他语种文摘 A geothermal well in Ganzi was chosen for the study. To provide a reference for the design and construction of a geothermal plant, power generation techniques were selected and the thermodynamic process was calculated based on cold and heat source data obtained through choke. Considering the power generation scale and equipment supply, the organic rankine cycle (ORC) and its two improved versions were selected as the power generation techniques. The power generation performances of the three techniques were compared using thermodynamic calculation. The results showed that there is an optimal evaporation temperature at which the power generation from unit hot water is at a maximum. The optimal evaporation temperatures for basic ORC (BORC), flashing ORC (FORC), and two-stage ORC (TSORC) are 60, 70 and 75 ℃, respectively; the corresponding thermal efficiencies are 10. 74%, 10.89% and 11.45%; the power generation from unit hot water 8.77, 10.09 and 10.3 kW·h/ t; and the tail water temperature 45.02, 35.55 and 37.9 ℃. Considering the above three parameters, the TSORC is the best cycle, followed by the FORC.
来源 哈尔滨工程大学学报 ,2016,37(6):873-877 【核心库】
DOI 10.11990/jheu.201504026
关键词 地热发电 ; 热力计算 ; 有机朗肯 ; 性能对比 ; 地热

1. 中国石化集团新星石油有限责任公司, 北京, 100083  

2. 中国科学院广州能源研究所, 广东, 广州, 510640

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1006-7043
学科 能源与动力工程
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划 ;  广州市珠江科技新星专项计划 ;  甘孜地区地热发电技术研究项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5737896

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