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Geochemical monitoring technology of single layer production in commingled producing wells


税蕾蕾 1   彭平安 2   黄合庭 1   刘玉明 1  
文摘 采用单组分分离、多内标绝对浓度色谱定量分析、生物标志物质谱分析、碳同位素组成分析等方法,建立了地球化学产能监测实验方法,能快速有效识别分层原油差异。首次利用原油非均质性评价结果,采用聚类分析统计方法和原油混合配比实验选取了多套地球化学产能监测指标,评价了各类地球化学产能监测指标的适用性。所选色谱指纹化合物经过色谱-质谱定性鉴定,证实非混合化合物。运用原油色谱指纹技术在W1和W2油田4口合采油井上进行了现场分层产能监测,色谱指纹法的计算结果与生产测井结果相对误差在10%~15%左右,能准确判别主力油层。地球化学产能监测技术具有快速、经济的特点,结合生产测井使用,对油田的生产优化具有重要意义。
其他语种文摘 A geochemical monitoring technique is developed through integrating single component separation,quantitative GC analysis of absolute concentration with multi-internal standards,biomarkers GC-MS analysis and carbon isotope analysis.It can rapidly and effectively identify the differences of crude oil produced from different layers.Multiple geochemical production monitoring indexes were selected through clustering statistical analysis and crude oil blend proportion experiment,and their applicability was evaluated.Qualitative GC-MS analysis of the fingerprint compounds verified that they are non-mixed compounds.The fingerprint technology was used to perform separate-layer production monitoring in four commingled producing wells in W1 and W2 oilfields.The error is only about 10% to 15%,indicating that this technology can accurately identify the major pay zone.It is quick and economic and can be combined with production logging.
来源 石油与天然气地质 ,2012,33(2):314-320,328 【核心库】
关键词 绝对定量 ; 配比实验 ; 聚类分析 ; 合采油井 ; 产能监测 ; 地球化学

1. 中海油能源发展股份有限公司采油技术服务公司钻采工程研究院湛江实验中心, 广东, 湛江, 524057  

2. 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所, 广东, 广州, 510000

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0253-9985
学科 石油、天然气工业
文献收藏号 CSCD:4533159

参考文献 共 15 共1页

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