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The Theory and Application of Landscape Sensitivity


文摘 景观敏感度(Landscape Sensitivity)是景观某一组分受到干扰(包括自然的和人类的)后引起的景观发生变化的速率,速率越大,敏感度越强。本文综述和剖析了景观敏感度的定义,分析了其决定因子:干扰力的类型和景观的属性,其中干扰力分为跳跃型(pulsed)和蔓延型(ramped),景观的属性主要是指景观变化的趋势和对干扰的承受能力(抗性):综述了景观敏感度的空间敏感度(spatial sensitivitv)和时间敏感度(temporal sensitivitv)。景观敏感度对非线性动态系统及其对变化的响应能力和抗性的描述.将有助于我们对景观变化的进一步理解。
其他语种文摘 Landscape sensitivity is expressed as the ratio of the change in landscape to the change in a landscape component. The larger the ratio is, the greater thesensitivity is. We reviews and analyzes the definition of landscape sensitivity, and we also discuss the key factors which determine the sensitivity of landscape and the spatial-temporal sensitivity. Furthermore, we point out that the key factors which determine the magnitude of landscape sensitivity are the types of disturbance and the attributes of the landscape. There are two kinds of disturbances: pulsed and ramped. The attributes of landscape mean the trend of landscape change and the resistance forces to the disturbances. We also summarize the means of spatial sensitivity and temporal sensitivity. Spatial sensitivity is expressed as locational sensitivity or the location where is the landscape changed. And temporal sensitivity is the impacts of changes in the magnitude and frequency of events on the landscape. Landscape sensitivity, which describes a nonlinear dynamic system and its responses and resistances to changes, will help us get more understanding of the landscape changes.
来源 地理科学进展 ,2007,26(5):57-64 【核心库】
关键词 景观敏感度 ; 干扰力 ; 抵抗力 ; 空间敏感度 ; 时间敏感度

中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所, 长春, 130012

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1007-6301
学科 建筑科学
基金 中国科学院知识创新工程项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:3037792

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