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Place and placelessness of modern urban high-star level hotels: Case studies in Guangzhou


文摘 随着交叉学科的发展,人文地理学中“地方”理论已经渗透到旅游研究的各个方面。在现代化与城市化的共同影响下,“无地方(Placelessness)”伴随着地方感的虚无与空间不真实性的发展而产生,并成为了地方研究的另一个视角。以广州市高星级酒店为案例地,采用实地观察、深度访谈、文本分析等方法,在回顾地方和无地方相关理论的基础上,探讨了消费者对现代城市高星级酒店的空间感知和地方情感,分析了地方与无地方在酒店空间中互动的复杂关系。结果指出:① 城市高星级酒店既有因现代技术、行业标准、区位以及资本扩张等原因而呈现的无地方特点,也有因社会功能、品牌特色、“借景”以及经营管理活动等原因而呈现的地方特质,城市高星级酒店具有地方与无地方的双重特性;② 酒店消费者在“他者空间”与“我者空间”中挣扎,对城市高星级酒店有着地方感与无地方感等多元、矛盾的地方情感;③ 城市高星级酒店是一个无地方与地方动态转化的易变空间,其转化机制取决于消费者与酒店空间的互动频次、酒店产品的稳定程度、以及消费者的主观想象与意义赋予等。本研究是对西方语境下地方理论的一种补充,同时也是对“无地方”研究的一种尝试;为转型期中国目前“千城一面”、空间同质化等社会现象提供了可供参考的分析框架。
其他语种文摘 With the development of interdisciplinary research, "place" theory in human geography has been applied to all aspects of the tourism research. At the same time, under the influences of modernization and urbanization, "placelessness" is emerged from the emptiness of the sense of place and the unrealistic development of space. Also, "placelessness" has become another perspective to study "place". Taking the five-star hotels in Guangzhou as case studies, we discuss the space perceptions and senses of place toward five- star hotels of the consumers and analyze the twisted interaction of the complex relationship between place and placelessness based on the relevant place and placelessness theories. Field observation, indepth interview and text analysis are used for the research. The research indicates that: (1) The city high-class hotels have dual characteristics of "place" and "placelessness" with the effects of the modern technology, the industry standards and the capital expansion making the high-class hotel "placelessness" and the social functions, the uniqueness of the brand and the activities of hotel management creating "place" characteristics. (2) Hotel consumers are struggling between"other space" and "my space" with multiple and contradictive sense of "place" and"placelessness" in the city high-class hotels. (3) City high-class hotels are places in transition. The transformations between "place" and "placelessness" depend on the frequency of communications between the consumers and the hotel space, the stability of hotel products, and the consumers' imaginations and meanings attached to the hotel space. This research is not only a supplement for western theory of place, but also an attempt to research on "placelessness" in China. The research provides an analytical framework for the urban phenomenon of spatial homogeneity in the transitional China..
来源 地理学报 ,2016,71(2):322-337 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201602011
关键词 地方 ; 无地方 ; 地方感 ; 现代城市 ; 星级酒店 ; 广州市

华南师范大学旅游管理学院, 广州, 510631

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
基金 国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5634571

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