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Fault identification technique and its application in Zhaozhou Oilfield


王鹏 1   钟建华 1   张亚金 2   赵文栋 3   王旭 4  
文摘 肇州油田州371区块位于肇州鼻状构造东翼,是油气运移的指向区。由于断层切割而发育有小断块和小断鼻,小断层对构造形态及油水关系影响大。针对该区块断层多、断距小、延伸短、多期发育、切割关系和组合关系复杂、小断层解释和识别难的地质特点,综合应用了相干体分析技术、沿层倾角方位角分析技术、频谱分解技术以及三维可视化技术等多种物探技术手段,结合地震剖面等多种信息,识别出常规地震数据体难以识别的小断层,并厘清了该区块断层的分布规律及接触关系,发现和落实了一批与小断层有关的低幅度构造,表现了精细构造解释的目的。
其他语种文摘 Zhou371 Block of Zhaozhou Oilfield is located in the eastern flank of nose structure,which belongs to the favorable directional zone of hydrocarbon migration.Because of the cross cutting of fault,small fault blocks and small fault-noses are developed,and the small faults has significant influence on structural feature and the oil-water relationship.The block is characterized by many faults,small fault throw,short extended distance,multi-stage development,complex cutting relationship and combination relationship,difficult in interpretation and identification of small faults.Aiming at the characteristics,we integrated coherent cube analysis technique,along-layer dip & azimuth analysis technique,frequency spectrum decomposition technique and 3D visualization technique,combining with all kinds of information such as seismic sections,identified some small faults which cannot be recognized from conventional seismic data volume,and verified the distribution and contacting relationship of the faults in the area.Meanwhile,some low-relief structures related with small faults were discovered and defined,and fine structure interpretation was realized.
来源 石油物探 ,2011,50(5):521-525 【扩展库】
关键词 断层 ; 优势频带 ; 相干体 ; 倾角方位角 ; 频谱分解 ; 构造精细解释

1. 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所, 广东, 广州, 510640  

2. 中国石油天然气集团公司大庆油田勘探开发研究院, 黑龙江, 大庆, 163000  

3. 中国石油天然气集团公司渤海钻探工程有限公司, 天津, 300475  

4. 中国石油天然气集团公司东方地球物理勘探有限责任公司研究院地质研究中心, 河北, 涿州, 072751

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-1441
学科 地质学
文献收藏号 CSCD:4355895

参考文献 共 21 共2页

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