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Analyzing the Turns of David Harvey’s Scholarship: A Case Study on the Innovation of Geographical Thought


叶超 1   蔡运龙 2  
文摘 大卫·哈维的学术转型是当代西方地理学发展的一个重要现象,也是地理学思想创新的一个典型案例。本文聚焦于哈维空间观的转型,通过解析哈维学术转型的代表论著,认为哈维关于空间的认识论立场主要经历了以实证主义相对空间观为主的"多维"空间观、"社会过程—空间形式"统一体、历史—地理唯物主义空间体系三个阶段。这三个阶段基本对应于他作为实证主义、激进主义、马克思主义地理学代表人物的历史。导致哈维学术转型的原因主要是剧变的社会政治环境、其个人禀赋和志趣、工作环境、地理学学科发展状况等。哈维的学术转型对中国地理学理论和方法创新具有重要借鉴意义,启示我们正确对待逻辑实证主义地理学;直面现实社会重大问题,洞察其深层次原因并建树理论;以"独立之精神,自由之思想"为学术研究和社会发展做出应有的贡献。
其他语种文摘 David Harvey transformed from a positivist to a radicalist,and to a Marxist in the end.The turns of his scholarship are an important phenomenon in the western geography,and a typical case of innovation in geographical thought and epistemology. According to analyzing some representative works of Harvey,this paper focuses on epistemological problems,particularly the transformation of Harvey’s view on space because of’space as a keyword’in geography in accordance with Harvey himself.It is argued that his scholarship career mainly at least experienced three stages:the view of the relative but multidimensional space,the view of uniting’social-process- spatial-form’and the view of historical-geographical materialism spatial system.The three stages are corresponding with Harvey’s scholarship career as a positivist,a radicalist,and finally a Marxist.On the basis of the statements of Harvey himself,this article sums up that there are some reasons why he fulfilled the shifts,i.e.the drastically changing social and political conditions,his individual interests and gifts, his working circumstances,the need for geography at that time,the other occasional factors.Harvey’s academic transformation implies significance and inspiring for Chinese geographers.The geographers of China should treat correctly logical positivism geography,be confronted with key social practical problems and inquire into the deep reasons and build theories.Based on the principles of’independent spirit, free thinking’,Chinese geographers can contribute more to academy and society.
来源 地理学报 ,2012,67(1):122-131 【核心库】
关键词 大卫·哈维 ; 认识论 ; 空间 ; 实证主义地理学 ; 马克思主义地理学 ; 社会过程—空间形式

1. 南京师范大学地理科学学院, 南京, 210046  

2. 北京大学城市与环境学院, 北京, 100871

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 自然地理学
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  科技部创新方法工作 ;  江苏省优势学科资助
文献收藏号 CSCD:4434884

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1 王丰龙 空间生产再考:从哈维到福柯 地理科学,2013,33(11):1293-1301
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2 孙俊 中国地理学史研究的理路分析——兼论中国地理学传统的流变 地理研究,2014,33(3):589-600
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