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The Characteristics of Heavy Metals in Soil Around the Hechi Antimony-Lead Smelter,Guangxi,China


文摘 为了解铅锑冶炼活动对周边土壤的污染情况,通过实地采样调查和室内样品分析,对河池铅锑矿冶炼区周边土壤中重金属含量的空间分布规律进行了分析,并对该区重金属污染情况进行评价。结果表明:冶炼区表层土壤受到较高含量的Sb、Pb、Zn污染,As、Cd和Cu也有一定程度的污染。土壤中的w(Sb)、w(Pb)和w(Zn)分别为195~2034 mg/kg、259~2261 mg/kg和365~1033 mg/kg,分别达到背景值的4.8~33.3倍、3.4~29.7倍和1.4~3.9倍。冶炼区表层土壤中的重金属含量与冶炼厂的远近关系密切,Sb、As和Pb在0~400 m范围急剧衰减,400 m范围内Sb、As和Pb分别衰减了92.5%、95%、93.7%。在400~2400 m的2000 m区间Sb、As和Pb分别衰减了64.4%、80.9%、52.1%。Cd在200 m范围内衰减了88.7%,在200~2400 m范围没有显著变化。Sb、As、Cd和Pb在400~2400 m范围呈缓慢衰减,使得重金属的影响可达很远。Sb和Pb的衰减趋势高度相似,这对于Pb-Sb的全球迁移具有相关的意义。
其他语种文摘 The characteristics of heavy metal contamination of the soil around a Sb-Pb smelter were investigated,so as to understand the contamination level and the spatial distribution of toxic metals that originate from the smelter.The soil shows a high level of Sb,Zn and Pb contamination,as well as the contamination of As,Cd and Cu.Contents of Sb,Zn and Pb in soil are in the range of 195~2034 mg/kg,365~1033 mg/kg and 259~2261 mg/kg,which are 4.8~33.3 times,3.4~29.7 times and 1.4~3.9 times higher than background values,respectively.Contents of heavy metals are highly related to the distance between the sample location and the smelter.The heavy metal content in soil attenuates very rapidly with increasing distance from the chimney in a close distance from the chimney and attenuates much mildly with increasing distance from the chimney at a far distance.Within a distance of 400 m,Sb, As and Pb contents decrease 92.5%,95%and 93.7%,whereas between 400~2400 m,Sb,As and Pb contents only decrease 64.4%,80.9%and 52.1%with increasing distance from the chimney,respectively.Similarly,Cd content in soil shows a rapid attenuation of 88.7%within 200 m and subtle attenuation over a distance of 200~2400 m with increasing distance from the chimney.Sb and Pb show a highly similar attenuation trend,favoring the opinion that Pb and Sb usually present a similar behavior during their global migration.
来源 矿物学报 ,2011,31(2):250-255 【核心库】
关键词 ; ; 土壤 ; 广西河池 ; 冶炼区

中国科学院地球化学研究所, 环境地球化学国家重点实验室, 贵州, 贵阳, 550002

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-4734
学科 天文学
基金 国家自然科学基金创新研究群体项目 ;  中国科学院主要方向项目 ;  自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:4255322

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