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Erosion of Black Soils and Its Reclamation


文摘 黑土其因肥沃而闻名,但其退化和水土流失问题往往易被忽略,虽然在人类影响下的现代环境过程开始较晚,但黑土区的环境已发现了较大的变化,对黑土水土流失的现状进行了评价,指出 了黑土保育治理的必要性与紧迫性,提出了治理保育措施。
其他语种文摘 Black soils[Pachic Udic Haplobarolls(ST, 1996), Haplic Phaeozems(FAO/Unesco)]are the most fertile ones in China, but they are suffering from deterioration, which includes water loss and soil erosion. The landform of black soils is undulated peneplain so that the soil is easy to be eroded. In this paper, the authors propose three antierosion measures: 1) Slope erosion prevention includes two parts, the first part is changing the aspect of the ridges of the land from slanting or parallel to vertical to horizontal direction, if the slope is less than 4 degrees; the second part is that if the slope is bigger than 4 degrees, the terrace should be made to avoid erosion. 2)Gully control includes building gully head embankment or dyke or even small reservoir, plant?ing trees and grasses in the middle part; ducks, gooses, fishes and frogs could be raised in the pools or reser?voirs to increase the economic efficiency. 3)Planting trees to make forest prevent wind and erosion. The au?thors also suggest that the management should be improved, the present situation is that there are laws in Chi?na protecting the crop land, but the laws can only protect the crop land quantatively. To guarantee the quality of the crop land, thorough study should be made, and the monitoring organization should be established.
来源 地理科学 ,2003,23(3):361-365 【核心库】
关键词 黑土 ; 水土流失 ; 保育治理

中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所, 吉林, 长春, 130012

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-0690
学科 农业基础科学
基金 中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:1304578

参考文献 共 28 共2页

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