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Forest transition and its explanation in contiguous destitute areas of China


王宏 1   阎建忠 1 *   李惠莲 1,2  
文摘 利用MODIS土地覆盖数据,分析了2002-2013年中国14个连片特困地区森林转型的特点,探明了连片特困地区林地变化的趋势及其空间异质性.在此基础上,选择空间变量,建立线性回归模型探究林地面积变化的影响因素,得出连片特困地区森林转型所遵循的路径.结果表明,2002-2013年间,中国14个连片特困地区林地面积净增加106554.75 km~2,增长率为11.93%,森林进入转型后期,即森林面积净增加阶段;秦巴山区、武陵山区、西藏地区东南部、四省藏区东部、燕山—太行山区东部是林地增长的热点区域,而林地增长冷点区域则主要分布在800 mm等降水量线以北的广大区域、大别山区和滇桂黔石漠化区东部;非农人口的增加以及林业工程的实施都对林地面积的增加有显著的促进作用,中国14个连片特困地区的森林转型主要遵循着经济发展路径和国家森林政策路径.在连片特困地区,应加快小城镇建设的步伐,同时依托其丰富的自然资源,因地制宜地发展乡村生态旅游业;国家森林政策方面,应将连片特困地区作为生态建设重点区域,切实保护中国的森林资源.
其他语种文摘 Since the beginning of the 20th century, forest restoration, as the main theme of global forest development, has gradually replaced deforestation. It is of great significance to explore the transition path of China's forests, as China has abundant forest resources. Based on the MODIS land cover data, 14 contiguous destitute areas of China are chosen as study areas to analyze the characteristics of forest transition from 2002 to 2013. Using the method of cold/hot spot analysis, we investigate the forest change trend and its spatial heterogeneity. In addition, we explore factors affecting forest area change by a linear regression model and disclose the forest transition pathways in contiguous destitute areas. The results show that net forest area of the 14 contiguous destitute areas increases by 106554.75 km~2, with a growth rate of 11.93%, which means that the forest transition may enter the last stage. The Qinling-Daba Mountains, Wuling Mountains, southeastern Tibet and the eastern part of Yanshan-Taihang Mountains are hot areas of forest area increase, while the cold areas of forest area increase are mainly distributed in the vast area north of the 800 mm isohyetal line, Dabie Mountains and the eastern part of Yunnan- Guizhou- Guangxi rocky desertification areas. Both the increase of nonagricultural population and the implementation of forestry projects play significant roles in promoting forest transition, thus forest transition of 14 contiguous destitute areas of China mainly follows the economic development pathway and the state forest policy pathway. Some policy implications are also put forward. The pace of construction of small towns in contiguous destitute areas should be speeded up to depopulate rural areas. At the same time, rural ecotourism should be developed on the basis of rich natural resources to help promote targeted measures in poverty alleviation. As for state forest policies, contiguous destitute areas should be regarded as the key areas for ecological construction so as to protect natural resources effectively.
来源 地理学报 ,2018,73(7):1253-1267 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201807006
关键词 连片特困地区 ; 森林转型 ; 冷热点 ; 非农人口增加 ; 国家森林政策

1. 西南大学资源环境学院, 重庆, 400716  

2. 西南大学地理科学学院, 重庆, 400716

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 林业
基金 国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6278867

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