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Influence of Lingnan traditional folk festival reconstruction on residents' place attachment: A case study on Qiqiao Festival in Guangzhou Zhucun


陶伟 1   陈慧灵 1   蔡水清 2  
文摘 民俗节庆对居民地方依恋的影响研究为认识居民和地方之间的关系,提供了一个新的视角。国内关于地方依恋的探讨尚处于萌芽阶段,应用研究主要以旅游地和旅游者为对象。乞巧节是岭南传统民俗节庆的重要组成部分,在沉寂淡化半个世纪之后又重新兴起,节日的内容形式功能已被重构。本文从新文化地理学的视角,以珠村居民为研究对象,通过问卷调查、深度访谈并结合因子分析的方法来探究民俗节庆的重构与居民地方依恋之间的关系。结果表明:①乞巧节对珠村世居居民、新移居居民、租房于珠村的居民这三种不同身份居民心理形成过程中的情感、认知和意向都产生了重要作用,乞巧节使居民们更好地融合到了珠村社区。②重构后的乞巧节在改善原住居民精神生活、优化珠村村落风貌、提升珠村族群的凝聚力、增强文化自豪感、保护乞巧文化及推动珠村的发展等方面产生了重要的影响和作用。③重构后的传统民俗节庆生产了新的文化记忆,其如何被居民内化吸收、如何被整合进原生态的乞巧文化中,都有待探索。本研究对丰富地方依恋在微观空间层面的理论和实证研究有着重要意义。
其他语种文摘 Folk festival provides residents' place attachment research with a new perspective for a better understanding of the relationship between the residents and place. Domestic research about place attachment is still at the embryonic stage, and most application research objects are tourists and tourism destinations. Qiqiao Festival is a very important part of Lingnan traditional folk custom. It has revived after a half century's decline. As a result, the function, form and content of the festival have been reconstructed. From the perspective of new cultural geography, this paper takes residents in Zhucun as the research object and adopts methods including questionnaire survey, in- depth interview and factor analysis to explore the relationship between folk festival's reconstruction and residents' place attachment. The main conclusion can be obtained as follows: (1) Qiqiao Festival is vital for emotion, cognition and intention of the psychological formation process of original inhabitants, new settlers and foreign tenants. And it makes residents integrated into Zhucun community better. (2) Reconstructed Qiqiao Festival exerts an important impact on improving original inhabitants' spiritual life, optimizing the village style, enhancing ethnic group cohesion, strengthening cultural pride, protecting the Qiqiao culture and promoting the development of Zhucun. (3) Reconstructed traditional folk festival produces new cultural memory. The way that it could be integrated into the original Qiqiao culture and absorbed by the residents has yet to be explored. This research has significance for enriching theoretical and empirical study on place attachment at the microcosmic space level.
来源 地理学报 ,2014,69(4):553-565 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201404011
关键词 民俗节庆 ; 珠村 ; 乞巧节 ; 地方依恋 ; 广州

1. 华南师范大学地理科学学院, 广州, 510631  

2. 中山大学地理科学与规划学院, 广州, 510275

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
基金 国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5133578

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