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A Study on Tourist Cognition of Urban Memory in Historic Sites:A Case Study of Alley Nanluogu Historic Site in Beijing


汪芳 1   严琳 2   熊忻恺 1   吴必虎 1  
文摘 城市记忆是城市特色形成的重要源泉,而历史地段则盛载着与城市的前世今生所相关的城市记忆。因而,探讨人们对历史地段城市记忆的认知规律,将为有效保存城市记忆、有机更新历史地段提供重要思路。本文选取北京南锣鼓巷历史地段作为研究对象,归纳游客对城市记忆的认知变量,构建了由信息和载体2个一级变量衍生而得的20个二级变量、89个三级变量组成的城市记忆认知测量的指标体系,通过问卷对历史地段城市记忆的游客认知进行调查。基于调查数据统计,采用序次Logistic回归模型,分析影响游客城市记忆认知水平的相关因素,构建城市记忆认知程度公式,归纳游客认知规律,以便为历史地段和城市旅游的规划、管理提供参考。
其他语种文摘 Urban memory is the significant source of the formation of urban features,including historic sites related with the past and present of the city.Thus,research on the rules of how people recognize urban memory in historic sites will provide a new method for conservation of urban memory and renewal of historic sites.According to a case study of Alley Nanluogu Historic Site in Beijing and questionnaire by the tourists onsite and online,the paper sums up the cognition variables correlated urban memory of tourists and establishes a cognition-measuring index system of two level-one variables(including two variables of information and carrier),20 level-two variables and 89 level-three variables.On a sample pool of 272 pieces of available dates,the orderly Logistic regression model is used to examine the relevant factors influencing cognitive degree of urban memory and then induce the characteristics of tourist cognition of urban memory.The result shows that tourist age and visiting time have a strong positive relationship with high cognition level of urban memory while the shopping motivation has a significant negative one with it.The detailed analysis of cognition level of urban memory shows that the variable of information is more easily recognized than that of the carrier by tourists.According to the above conclusions,this paper summaries tourist cognitive rules of urban memory in the historic district,and provides suggestions on conservation and renewal of historic sites.
来源 地理学报 ,2012,67(4):545-556 【核心库】
关键词 城市记忆 ; 历史地段 ; 游客 ; 城市记忆认知水平 ; 北京南锣鼓巷

1. 北京大学城市与环境学院城市与区域规划系, 北京, 100871  

2. 北京大学城市与环境学院旅游研究与规划中心, 北京, 100871

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 社会科学总论;建筑科学
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  北京市自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:4511849

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