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Se Species and Concentration-Controlling Study in Beishan Mountain Granite Groundwater


康明亮 1   陈繁荣 1   吴世军 1   张荣 1   杨永强 1   王立安 2  
文摘 利用地球化学模拟软件GWB(Geochemist's Workbench),研究了Se在我国高放废物预选场址北山花岗岩地下水中的化学形态及浓度控制因素.结果表明, Eh和pH对Se的化学形态影响较大,在处于弱碱性的北山花岗岩地下水中,溶解态的Se主要以SeO32-,HSeO3-和HSe-的形式存在.北山花岗岩地下水属于高矿化水,在保持地下水组分不变的情况下,当固定Eh为0mV,pH在5~12之间变化时, Se浓度主要受Se(0),CuSe2,Cu3Se2或CuSe等矿物的沉淀所控制;当固定pH为7.56,硒浓度随Eh变化则主要受FeSe2,Se(0),CuSe2,Cu3Se2或CuSe等矿物的沉淀所控制.与Fe2+相比, Cu2+更易与Se反应形成沉淀.从本文的模拟结果来看,由于Se在北山花岗岩地下水中易形成硒-矿物沉淀,使得溶液中的Se浓度能维持在较低水平,因此有利于阻滞对氧化条件敏感的核素79Se的迁移
其他语种文摘 Utilizing the React program in GWB (Geochemist's Workbench) software package, the species and concentration-controlling factor of selenium in Beishan Mountain granite groundwater were investigated. Results indicate that SeO32-,HSeO3-and HSe-are the predominant species in this groundwater. The results also indicate that Beishan Mountain granite groundwater is highly mineralized and selenium concentration in this groundwater is mainly controlled by the precipitation of saturated minerals. When keeping Eh constant at 0 mV, selenium concentration is controlled by the precipitation of elemental Se(0), CuSe2, Cu3Se2 or CuSe in the case that the groundwater composition is not changed. When keeping pH constant at 7.56, the precipitated mineral will be FeSe2, Se(0), CuSe2, Cu3Se2 or CuSe. Compared with Fe2+, copper ions are more likely to precipitate with selenium. Owing to the precipitation of Se-containing minerals, the present study reveals that Beishan Mountain groundwater is favorable to immobilize 79Se
来源 辐射防护 ,2010,30(6):327-334 【核心库】
关键词 高放废物地质处置 ; 北山花岗岩地下水 ; 79Se ; 地球化学模拟 ; 地球化学模拟软件 ; 浓度控制

1. 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所, 广州, 510640  

2. 比利时核研究中心(SCK.CEN), 比利时, Mol

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-8187
学科 原子能技术
文献收藏号 CSCD:4070566

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