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Analysis of Spatial Pattern and Econom ic Effects —An Empirical Study of FDI in Pan-Yangtze Delta


朱道才 1   陆林 1 *   晋秀龙 2  
文摘 利用锡尔熵指数、相对熵指数和变异系数以及半对数经济增长模型, 分析泛长三角外资直接投资(FDI)的时空分布和变异以及空间格局对经济增长的效应, 认为FDI在泛长三角地区时空分布上, 呈现总体扩散的趋势;扩散路径是沿"Z"形轴线, 形式有接触扩散和等级扩散, 2001年后, 等级扩散显著。FDI对该地区经济增长起着显著的正向作用, 但区际之间效率差别显著;FDI的变异程度与经济增长呈负相关, 且区域间差异较大。宏观政策在巩固和扩大泛长三角地区FDI的规模同时, 应优化FDI空间格局, 着眼区域协调发展。
其他语种文摘 In early 1990s, the development of Spatial Economics laid down certain theory foundation for the study of spatiality of economy. Such spatial research is defined as the research of economic spatialpattern in spatia economy to explain the reasons and formationmechanism for phenomenon of spatial agglomeration. Some tools, such as Theil entropy index, relative entropy index, Coefficient of Variation and half-logarithm economic growth mode, l are utilized to analyze the evolution of the spatial and temporal distribution and the variation of Foreign Direct Investment(FDI) aswell as economic growth effect of FDI in the Pan-Yangtze Delta. Themodels of spatial pattern of FDI and economic impactofspatialvariability for FDI are constructed respectively. Awholly trend of diffusing is found on the spatial distribution of FDI in Pan-Yangtze Delta. The diffusingway is along the "Z" shape spool thread, and the diffusing forms include two kinds: one is the contagiousproliferation and the other i the hierarchical proliferation. The hierarchical proliferation ismore remarkable after 2001. Based on correlated statistical data from 1990 to 2007, variation degree and economic effect of the five provinces and Shanghai city o Pan-Yangtze Deltawereworked ou.t The results showed that FDIhave been playing a positive role to the region economic growth. However, the efficiency is different in differentregions. The variation degree of FDI is inverse correlated to economic growth. Based on above findings, three fields should be concernedwhenmaking and implementing related policy o FDI. Firstly, trying to create friendly financing environmentand further consolidate and enlarge the scale of FD afterworld financial crisis. Secondly, establishing expedite FDI spreading corridor and optimizing its specia framework. Spatial framework and variationwhich based on capital efficiency are decided by rentseeking nature of FDI. It is concentrated on Shanghai firstly, and spread to the otherprovinces. In order to improve the practical efficiency of FDI, open FDI spreading channel should be constructed by every region. Then FDI can be allocated appropriately and effectively used under the marketmechanism. Lastbutnot leas, t the harmony of regiona development should be kept to promote national economic revitalization. The blue print of the Pan-Yangtze Delta Area should be designed and even all Yangtze Rivervalleys as soon as possible in the background of harmoniou development at the national leve.l
来源 地理科学 ,2010,30(2):184-189 【核心库】
关键词 泛长三角 ; 外资直接投资(FDI) ; 空间格局 ; 经济效应

1. 安徽师范大学国土资源与旅游学院, 安徽, 芜湖, 241003  

2. 滁州学院国土信息工程系, 安徽, 滁州, 239000

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-0690
学科 自然地理学
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  国家社会科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:3895547

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