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Process on the Research of Structure-damping Composites


倪楠楠 1   温月芳 1 *   贺德龙 2   益小苏 2   郭妙才 2   许亚洪 3  
文摘 航空航天飞行器的高速、轻质和多功能化的发展,精密电子仪器设备的应用及舒适性要求的提高,对传统结构材料的减重和降噪提出了巨大的挑战。近年来,随着纤维增强复合材料的在航空航天领域应用比重的迅速提升,开发兼具高力学性能和高振动阻尼性能的新型结构-阻尼多功能材料也成为研究的热点问题之一。本文在介绍结构-阻尼复合材料阻尼机理的基础上,综述了国内外关于结构阻尼复合材料主要研究内容及研究成果,并讨论了其今后的发展趋势,包括开发新的多功能阻尼插层材料、引入新的阻尼耗能机制、开发多层次结构模型和对阻尼性能和力学性能的多尺度模拟等。
其他语种文摘 A huge challenge was presented on mass reduction and noise reduction of the traditional structural material with development of aerospace vehicles toward high-speed, light mass and multi-function, application of the precise electronic equipment and improvement of comfort requirements. In recent years, with the rapid increase of fiber-reinforced composite materials in the application proportion in aerospace, development of the new structure-damping multifunctional materials with both high mechanical properties and high vibration damping performance has become one of the hot topics of research. The damping mechanism of structure-damping composites was described firstly, further the major domestic and international research results of structural damping composites were reviewed, and then its future development trends were discussed, including the development of new multi-purpose damping intercalation materials, the introduction of new damping mechanisms, the development of multi-level structure model and multi-scale simulation of mechanical properties and damping properties.
来源 材料工程 ,2015,43(6):90-101 【核心库】
DOI 10.11868/j.issn.1001-4381.2015.06.015
关键词 结构-阻尼 ; 功能化插层 ; 复合材料 ; 结构阻尼 ; 阻尼预测

1. 浙江大学化学工程与生物工程学院, 杭州, 310013  

2. 北京航空材料研究院, 北京, 100095  

3. 航天科工三院,306所, 北京, 100074

语种 中文
文献类型 综述型
ISSN 1001-4381
学科 一般工业技术
基金 国家自然科学基金 ;  国家863计划
文献收藏号 CSCD:5450094

参考文献 共 104 共6页

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