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The Dimensions and Characteristics of the Perception ofChinese Calligraphic Landscape


文摘 书法景观是一种代表中国特色文化符号的文化景观,景观知觉维度研究是了解这种景观基本特征的手段。本文将尝试开放问卷对书法知觉场所地方记忆报告结果进行编码,并构建专门计算公式进行权重计算,结果表明书法景观主要知觉维度可归为6类:知觉时间、地理环境、书法特性、书法载体形式、价值和个体心理,并揭示了热点景点书法景观的知觉维度特征。眼动仪分析结果表明旅游景点的书法景观作为地域标志和景观标志,在公众知觉过程中占有重要地位。相对园林、湖泊和海滨景点内的书法景观,公众更多知觉到了山岳和宫殿庙宇内的书法景观。利用知觉频数描述了不同类型书法景观的地理场所公众知觉特征,根据书法景观知觉频率可将这些场所划分为景点、与人们生活息息相关的场所、新闻媒体和广场三个层次。本文的研究实际上也为中国特色文化景观的实证研究提供了一个有效的方法。
其他语种文摘 Combining the human/natural landscapes with the element of Chinese calligraphywhich is characterized by the handwriting of Chinese characters,Chinese calligraphiclandscape is an essential part of cultural landscapes.And it is worthy to be taken intoconsideration when exploring the factors causing the spatial differentiation of places andlandscapes.The calligraphic landscape is defined as a portion of geographical space withcertain visual characteristics and special sense of place resulted from the layout of assemblesof calligraphic works/analogous calligraphic works with a certain scale or visual performance.The basic characteristics of the calligraphic landscape can be explored by the investigation ofthe perceptual dimensions of the calligraphic landscape.By the open-ended questionnaires,undergraduate students,excluding those who major in calligraphy,from Nanjing Universityand Nanjing University of Finance,were investigated in April and May in 2004.A total of496 valid questionnaires were collected finally.After context encoding and weight processing,this article reveals the public perceptual characteristics of Chinese calligraphic landscape.Sixperceptual dimensions are concluded as i) perceptual time,ii) geographic environment,iii)calligraphic idiosyncrasy,iv) the calligraphy carrier form,v) value and vi) individualpsychology,among which calligraphic idiosyncrasy and geographic environment are the mostimportant factors influencing the perceptual process of calligraphic landscapes.Then thisarticle describes different types and their perceptual characteristics of the settings ofcalligraphic landscapes.According to the statistical results of perceptual frequency,thesettings investigated are divided as three levels as i) the scenic spots thought to be therepresentative of calligraphic landscape by the public,ii) the place related with the public’snormal life where calligraphic landscapes can be perceived more easily if related withexhibition/economy/daily life/culture,and iii) the news media and squares where calligraphiclandscapes are believed impossible to present.The result of eye movement analysis indicatesthe importance of calligraphic landscapes as landmarks during tourists’ perception of a scenicspot.On tourism scenic spots,compared with the calligraphic landscapes in the garden,thelake and seaside,those in the mountains,the palace and the temples are more impressive forthe public.This research has contributed to the empirical study of Chinese cultural landscapewith a valid method.
来源 地理学报 ,2012,67(2):230-238 【核心库】
关键词 书法景观 ; 文化符号 ; 知觉维度 ; 空间分异 ; 文化地理 ; 中国

南京大学地理与海洋科学学院, 南京, 210093

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 建筑科学
基金 国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:4451665

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