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Effect Mechanism Research of Influential Factors of Cultivated Land Use System Security of Black Soil Region in Songnen High Plain: A Case Study of Bayan County in Heilongjiang Province


文摘 耕地利用系统安全是保护耕地健康和保障粮食安全的基础。论文以巴彦县为例,采用遗传算法对神经网络模型进行改进,识别耕地利用系统安全的敏感性影响因子,并应用通径分析法,确定单一因子和复合因子对系统安全作用机理。结果表明:①单一因子的作用中土壤类型对耕地利用系统安全的作用强度最大,高程最弱。不同因子对耕地利用系统安全的正负相关关系不同,对系统安全分别起促进和抑制作用;耕地利用系统的其他影响因子对系统安全的共同作用也很大,是不可忽视的重要因子;②各因子存在复杂的制约关系,单一因子和复合因子共同作用是系统安全主要的作用机理,且单一因子和复合因子对系统安全影响的显性特征不同;自然生态因子对系统安全的单一作用、人文因子对系统安全的复合作用机制显著。
其他语种文摘 Cultivated land use system security is the foundation of protecting the health of cultivated land and guaranteeing food supply security. This paper takes Bayan County as an example, to determine the cultivated land use system security effect mechanism with single factors and composite factors, using Matlab programming, adopting Genetic Algorithm to improve Neural Networks, and recognizing the sensitive influential factors of cultivated land use system security by applying Path Analysis. There are two aspects we can conclude from the results. Firstly, analysis of single factors role to the cultivated land use system security indicated the strongest action intensity to system security is soil types, the weakest is altitude. Soil texture, soil types, geomorphological types, available phosphorus, policies and regulations and drainage ability have positive correlations with cultivated land use system security, and can promote system security, and the intensity of soil texture is 0.3133, soil types is 0.6830, geomorphological types is 0.3627, available phosphorus is 0.1189, policies and regulations is 0.2553, drainage ability is 0.1872. Altitude, difference vegetation index (DVI), and water and soil erosion have negative correlations with cultivated land use system security, and can restrain system security, and the intensity of altitude is 0.1046, DVI is 0.2028, water and soil erosion is 0.2877. The factors have different positive and negative correlations and play the roles of promotion and inhibition for the system security. Other influential factors of the cultivated land use system security play a significant part to the system. Secondly, the influential factors have complex constraints relations. The significant effect mechanisms are both single factors and composite factors with different dominant features to the system security. Soil types, geomorphological types and soil texture as natural ecological factors are significant in single mechanism to system security. Policies and regulations and drainage ability as humanistic factors are significant in composite mechanism to system security. Single mechanism as natural ecological factors plays significant part for system security. Composite mechanism as humanistic factors plays significant part for system security.
来源 自然资源学报 ,2014,29(1):13-26 【核心库】
关键词 松嫩高平原黑土区 ; 耕地利用系统 ; GA-BP因子降维模型

东北大学土地管理研究所, 沈阳, 110819

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-3037
学科 社会科学总论
基金 国家自然科学基金 ;  国家教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:5040130

参考文献 共 38 共2页

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