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Polar Stratospheric Clouds and Its Heterogeneous Chemistry


王振亚 1   周士康 1   盛六四 2  
文摘 南极臭氧洞的形成与南极平流层云及其非均相化学过程有很大关系.南极平流层云中存在着硫酸气溶胶粒子、与硫酸/硝酸/水有关的固体或液体粒子以及水的冰晶粒子等,在其表面上可以发生非均相化学反应,一方面使本来比较惰性的硝酸氯(ClONO2)具有相当大的活性,另一方面可以把NO2或硝酸以硝酸固体粒子的形式从平流层中移走.由非均相化学产生的HOCl和Cl2发生光离解,产生活性氯,加强了与ClO的二聚物或者与ClO-BrO互反应有关的破坏臭氧的催化循环圈的进行,加快南极臭氧洞的形成.本文重点介绍极地平流层云及其非均相化学在极地平流层臭氧消耗过程中的作用,使人们对加重平流层臭氧消耗的非均相化学有所了解。
其他语种文摘 Abstract The formation of Antarctic ozone hole is mainly related to the polar stratospheric clouds and the processes of heterogeneous chemistry. In Antarctic polar stratospheric clouds, there are sulfuric acid aerosols, some solid and liquid particles related to HNO3/H2SO4/H2O, and ice crystals of water. The heterogeneous chemical reactions will occur on the surface of polar stratospheric clouds particles. On one hand, they make C1ONO2 to react with some molecules to release Cl2 and HOC1, both of which in turn release Cl atoms that destroy ozone. On the other hand, they convert stratospheric nitrogen compounds (N2 O5, NO and NO2) to HN03, which will be removed out from stratosphere in the way of solid par-ticles. The catalytic cycles of CIO dimmer, and co-reaction of ClO-BrO will be enhanced by the release of Cl atoms, and which will promote the formation of Antarctic ozone hole. The emphases of this paper will be placed on introducing effects of polar stratospheric clouds and its heterogeneous chemistry on the ozone depletion process in polar stratosphere, and make a clear understanding of heterogeneous chemistry occurred on surface of polar stratospheric clouds.
来源 化学进展 ,2004,16(1):49-55 【核心库】
关键词 南极臭氧洞 ; 极地平流层云 ; 非均相化学

1. 中科院安徽光学精密机械所, 环境光谱学实验室, 合肥, 230031  

2. 中国科学技术大学, 国家同步辐射实验室, 安徽, 合肥, 230029

语种 中文
文献类型 综述型
ISSN 1005-281X
学科 化学;环境科学基础理论
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:1845859

参考文献 共 36 共2页

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