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Carbon and Nitrogen Storage and Distribution in Understory of Five Typical Forest Types in Subalpine of Middle Yunnan Province


侯芳 1,2   王克勤 1,2   宋娅丽 1,2 *   李加文 3   杨云陆 1   李有邦 1  
文摘 通过标准地调查和生物量实测相结合的方法,对滇中亚高山5种典型森林华山松(HSS)、云南松(YNS)、滇油杉(DYS)、高山栎(GSL)和常绿阔叶林(CL)林下植被(灌木层、草本层和凋落物层)各组分生物量、碳氮储量及其分配格局进行了研究。结果表明:(1)在5种森林群落中,林下灌木、草本和凋落物生物量变幅为1.47~11.19 t/hm~2, 0.01~0.63 t/hm~2,7.85~46.73 t/hm~2。(2)灌木层的碳氮储量变幅在0.77~5.94 tC/hm~2,10.97~92.84 kgN/hm~2,碳氮储量的主要营养器官分别为茎和叶;草本层为0.01~0.29 tC/hm~2,0.07~5.35 kgN/hm~2,均呈现出地上部分>地下部分;凋落物为2.15~13.03 tC/hm~2,42.07~320.58 kgN/hm~2,碳氮储量随分解程度加深各有不同。(3)5种林分林下灌草及凋落物碳储量大小顺序为:CL>YNS>DYS>HSS>GSL;氮储量为:CL>YNS>DYS>GSL>HSS。综上,常绿阔叶林和云南松林下灌草和凋落物具有较高的碳氮贮能力,滇油杉的碳氮贮潜力较大,应提高林分质量增加林分密度,加大保护管理力度,制定科学可行的森林管理措施,为林下植被与上层林木的协同发展以及今后研究林下植被对于全球气候变化的响应提供理论支撑。
其他语种文摘 Biomass,carbon and nitrogen storage of five different forest types,including shrub layer,herb layer and litter,and their distributions of P.armandii(HSS),P.yunnanensis(YNS),Keteleeria evelyniana (DYS),Q.aquifolioides(GSL)and Evergreen broad-leaf (CL)ecosystems,were studied in subalpine of middle Yunnan Province by using standard plot sampling and biomass measurements.The results showed that:(1)among the five typical forest communities,the ranges of shrubs,herbs and litter biomass were 1.47~11.19 t/hm~2,0.01~0.63 t/hm~2 and 7.85~46.73 t/hm~2,respectively;(2)the ranges of carbon and nitrogen storages of the shrub layer were 0.77~5.94 tC/hm~2 and 10.97~92.84 kgN/hm~2,and the main vegetative organs of carbon and nitrogen storages were stem and leaf;the ranges of carbon and nitrogen storage in herb layer were 0.01~0.29 tC/hm~2 and 0.07~5.35 kgN/hm~2;carbon and nitrogen storages in different forest shrub layers decreased in the order:overground part>underground part;the ranges of litter were 2.15~13.03 tC/hm~2 and 42.07~320.58 kgN/hm~2,and the carbon and nitrogen reserves varied with the degrees of decomposition;(3)carbon storages of the shrub and litter of five typical forests followed the order:CL>YNS>DYS>HSS>GSL;nitrogen reserves followed the order of:CL>YNS>DYS>GSL> HSS.In conclusion,higher carbon and nitrogen storage capacities of undergrowth layers were founded in P. yunnanens and Evergreen broad-leafforest,carbon and nitrogen storage potential of Keteleeria evelyniana was relatively larger.The quality and density of forest should be improved,the protection and management should be intensified,and scientific and feasible forest management measures should be formulated.This study would provide theoretical support for the collaborative development between undergrowth and upper trees and the future research of response of the undergrowth to the global climate change.
来源 水土保持研究 ,2019,26(1):61-68 【扩展库】
关键词 碳氮储量 ; 分配格局 ; 林下植被 ; 滇中亚高山

1. 西南林业大学生态与水土保持学院, 昆明, 650224  

2. 云南玉溪森林生态系统国家定位观测研究站, 云南玉溪森林生态系统国家定位观测研究站, 云南, 新平, 653499  

3. 云南省新平彝族傣族自治县林业局, 云南, 新平, 653499

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1005-3409
学科 林业
基金 云南省应用基础研究青年项目 ;  西南林业大学科研启动基金 ;  云南省高校优势特色重点学科(生态学)建设项目 ;  国家林业局生态学重点学科
文献收藏号 CSCD:6463719

参考文献 共 33 共2页

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