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Exploration on the theoretical basis and evaluation plan of Beautiful China construction


方创琳 1,2   王振波 1   刘海猛 1  
文摘 美丽中国建设是关系中华民族永续发展的根本大计,也是落实到2030年联合国可持续发展议程的中国实践。党和国家针对“五位一体”的总体布局对建设美丽中国做出了战略部署,国家主席习近平在全国生态环境保护大会上进一步提出了美丽中国建设的“时间表”和“路线图”。但目前对美丽中国建设的理论基础、评估指标体系、评估标准及建设成效等问题并不清晰。本文从广义和狭义视角提出了美丽中国建设的基本内涵,将人地和谐共生论、五维一体美丽论作为美丽中国建设的核心理论基础,进一步构建了包括生态环境、绿色发展、社会和谐、体制完善、文化传承等5个维度的美丽中国建设评估指标体系,运用联合国人类发展指数(HDI)测评方法,对2016年中国341个地级市(州)的美丽中国建设成效进行了科学评估。结果显示,美丽中国建设的综合美丽指数(中科美丽指数)平均值为0.28,总体处于偏低水平,生态环境美丽指数、绿色发展美丽指数、社会和谐美丽指数、体制完善美丽指数和文化传承美丽指数分别为0.6、0.22、0.29、0.22和0.07,分项指数值均较低,且地域发展差异较大,说明美丽中国建设进程总体缓慢且不平衡。为了高质量、高标准地贯彻落实美丽中国建设的“时间表”和“路线图”,建议构建并发布通用的美丽中国建设进程评估体系,对美丽中国建设进程开展动态监测与阶段性综合评估,编制并发布美丽中国建设评估技术标准,做好美丽中国建设综合区划,分区域因地制宜地开展美丽中国样板区建设试点,并把美丽中国建设成效纳入各级政府考核指标。
其他语种文摘 Beautiful China construction (BCC) is of fundamental importance for the sustainable development of the Chinese nation and a Chinese practice of the 2030 UN sustainable development agenda. The Chinese government has made strategic arrangements for the BCC with a five-pronged approach. President Xi Jinping proposed the schedule and roadmap for the BCC at the National Ecological Environmental Protection Conference. But at present, the theoretical basis, evaluation index system, evaluation criteria and construction effect of the BCC are not clear. This paper puts forward the basic connotation of the BCC from a broad and narrow perspective, regards the theory of man-earth harmony and Five-dimensional integration as the core theoretical basis of the BCC, and further constructs the evaluation index system of the BCC, which includes five dimensions: ecological environment, green development, social harmony, institutional improvement and cultural heritage, and uses the United Nations human development index (HDI) evaluation method to scientifically evaluate the construction effect of 341 prefecture-level cities (states) in China in 2016. The results show that the average value of the BCC Index (Zhongke Beauty Index) is 0.28, which is generally at a low level. The average of the sub-indexes of the ecological environment beauty index, the green development beauty index, the social harmony beauty index, the system perfect beauty index and the cultural heritage beauty index are respectively 0.6, 0.22, 0.29, 0.22, and 0.07. The sub-index values are all low, and the regional development is quite different, which indicates that the construction process of Beautiful China is generally slow and unbalanced. In order to implement the schedule and roadmap for the BCC with high quality and high standards, it is recommended that we construct and publish a general evaluation system for the BCC process, carry out dynamic monitoring and phased comprehensive evaluation of the BCC process, compile and publish the evaluation standards for BCC technology, do a good job in the comprehensive zoning of Beautiful China, carry out pilot projects for the construction of Beautiful China's model areas according to local conditions, and incorporate the achievements of Beautiful China into the assessment indicators of all levels of government.
来源 地理学报 ,2019,74(4):619-632 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201904001
关键词 美丽中国 ; 理论基础 ; 人地和谐共生论 ; 评估指标体系 ; 中科美丽指数 ; 评估方案

1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京, 100101  

2. 中国科学院大学资源环境学院, 北京, 100049

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 社会科学总论
基金 国家自然科学基金重大项目 ;  中国科学院战略性先导科技专项
文献收藏号 CSCD:6479062

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