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Simultaneous determination of arsenic species in hot spring water using IC-ICP-MS


文摘 利用阴离子色谱与六极碰撞等离子体质谱联用的方法,在线同时测定水样的4种砷形态(As(Ⅴ),As(Ⅲ),MMA,DMA),并用于实际样品-热泉水中砷形态的测定.使用K_2HPO_4-KH_2PO_4为淋洗液等度淋洗,用Hamilton PRP-X100阴离子色谱柱分离,4种砷形态在7 min之内完全分离.调节淋洗液中K_2HPO_4与KH_2PO_4的比例可以优化峰的分离.地下水(含热泉水)基质、样品及淋洗液中的Cl-对砷形态的分离测定没有影响,淋洗液中的盐份在样品锥和截取锥上的积累对测定的影响很小.检出限分别为As(Ⅴ) 0.23 μg/L,As(Ⅲ) 0.30 μg/L,MMA 0.26 μg/L,DMA 0.54 μg/L.
其他语种文摘 The simultaneous determination of four arsenic species(As(Ⅴ),As(Ⅲ),MMA and DMA) was carried out by coupling an anion exchange column to a hexapole collision inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer. This method was successfully applied to the determination of arsenic species in hot spring water in Yunnan province, China. Using an isocratic elution(eluant K_2HPO_4-KH_2PO_4),the four arsenic species were separated on a Hamilton PRP-X100 anion exchange column in 7 min. The separation of the peaks of arsenic species could be optimized through adjusting the K_2HPO_4-KH_2PO_4 ratio of the eluant. The analysis was not interfered by ground water(including hot spring water) matrix as well as Cl~- in both samples and eluant. The effect of the precipitation of salt on the cones of the ICP-MS on the stability of this method can be neglected. The detection limits were 0.23 μg/L for As(Ⅴ),0.30 μg/L for As(Ⅲ),0.26 μg/L for MMA and 0.45 μg/L for DMA respectively.
来源 分析试验室 ,2007,26(9):17-20 【核心库】
关键词 砷形态 ; 色谱 ; ICP-MS ; 热泉

中国科学院地球化学研究所, 环境地球化学国家重点实验室, 550002

语种 中文
文献类型 简报
ISSN 1000-0720
学科 化学
基金 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目 ;  国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:2919997

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