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Surface energy exchanges in grassland ecosystems along a precipitation gradient


刘帅 1   李胜功 1 *   于贵瑞 1   孙晓敏 1   张雷明 1   杉田伦明 2   李英年 3   张宪洲 4   王艳芬 5  
文摘 通过对不同降水梯度下的蒙古中部针茅草原(KBU)、内蒙古羊草草原(NM)、海北高寒灌丛草甸(HB)和当雄高寒草甸草原(DX)4个草地生态系统的能最通量连续4-5a的测定,分析了影响青藏高原和蒙古高原草地生态系统生长季中地表能量交换的主要因素.研究表明:相对于KBU、NM和DX,HB高寒灌从草甸NDVI(0.58)和土壤含水量(28.3%)最大,因而地表短波反射率(α_k)最低(0.12),从而获得了最大的净辐射(R_n).KBU、NM和DX 3个草地生态系统生长季中α_k随着植被的生长而降低,在生长季末期,随着植被的凋落而增加;HB的α_k季节变化趋势与其它生态系统相反.从蒙古高原(KBU和NM)到青藏高原(HB和DX),随着降水量的增加,波文比(β)逐渐减小(2.25-0.53),即生态系统与大气的能量交换从显热(H)占主导转变为潜热(LE)占主导.植被状况对草地生态系统与大气之间能量交换的季节动态有重要的调控作用,在NDVI较低的时候,4个生态系统H/R_n都大于LE/R_n,LE/R_n随着NDVI的增加而增加,而H/R_n呈现出与LE/R_n相反的季节变化趋势.
其他语种文摘 This paper explore surface energy exchanges and their underlying mechanisms during the growing season in four grassland ecosystems in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and Mongolian Plateau through analyzing the 4-5-year continuous flux data obtained by the eddy covariance technique. The four ecosystems are a temperate steppe ecosystem in central Mongolia (KBU), a temperate steppe ecosystem in Inner Mongolia (NM), an alpine shrub-meadow ecosystem (HB) and an alpine steppe meadow (DX) in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau along a precipitation gradient. The results show that the surface reflectivity (albedo) for short-wave radiation (α_k) was lowest (0.12) in HB because of highest NDVI (0.58) and volumetric soil water content (28.3%) compared with those of other three ecosystems. The α_k values in KBU, NM and DX decreased with the growth of plant, and increased as the plant senesced during the late growing season; but the seasonal variation of α_k in HB exhibited an opposite trend to those at other three sites. The Bowen ratio decreased from 2.25 to 0.53 from the Mongolian Plateau to Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau with the increase of precipitation, suggesting that there is a shift of the sensible heat flux (H) dominated energy partitioning to the latent heat flux (LE) dominated energy partitioning. Vegetation growth played an important role in controlling energy exchange between grassland ecosystems and the atmosphere. The evaporative fraction of net-radiation (LE/R_n) was lower than H/R_n when NDVI was low; but with an increase in NDVI, LE/Ro increased whereas H/R_n decreased.
来源 生态学报 ,2010,30(3):557-567 【核心库】
关键词 青藏高原 ; 蒙古高原 ; 草地生态系统 ; 辐射平衡 ; 反射率 ; 能量分配

1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,CERN综合研究中心, 生态系统网络观测与模拟重点实验室, 北京, 100101  

2. 日本筑波大学生命与环境科学大学院, 日本, 筑波, 305-8572  

3. 中国科学院西北高原生物研究所, 青海, 西宁, 810001  

4. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京, 100101  

5. 中国科学院研究生院, 北京, 100039

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-0933
学科 畜牧、动物医学、狩猎、蚕、蜂
基金 中国科学院“百人计划”项目 ;  中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目 ;  日本科学技术振兴机构"东北亚草原大气-水圈-生物圈相瓦作用研究实验"
文献收藏号 CSCD:3835160

参考文献 共 36 共2页

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