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Concentration and Emission Fluxes of Halogenated Flame Retardants in Sewage from Sewage Outlet in Dongjiang River


文摘 采用二氯甲烷萃取、氧化铝/硅胶复合柱纯化和气相色谱质谱联用仪检测的方法,分析了东江三角洲入河排污口14个污水样品中卤系阻燃剂的浓度并估算其相应的排放通量.结果表明,十溴二苯乙烷(DBDPE)已成为污水中的主要卤系阻燃剂,占总卤系阻燃剂的64%,其浓度范围为9.1~990 ng/L,其次为多溴联苯醚(PBDEs),占总卤系阻燃剂的30%,其浓度范围为 6.9~470 ng/L,其中BDE209是主要组成成分.其它阻燃剂如德克隆(DP)、1,2-双(2,4,6-三溴苯氧基)乙烷(BTBPE)、六溴苯(HBB)、五溴甲苯(PBT)的浓度范围分别为0.17~23.6、nd~26.3、nd~1.45和nd~0.45 ng/L.与广州污水处理厂中 PBDEs的对比发现东江排污口污水中PBDEs的浓度与污水处理厂进水浓度相当,表明排污口排出的污水可能末经污水厂处理直接排放.年排放量计算结果表明,通过污水年排入东江的卤系阻燃剂总量为191 kg,工业废水排放的卤系阻燃剂占总排放的48%~91%,是卤系阻燃剂的主要来源.
其他语种文摘 Fourteen sewage samples from sewage outlets in Dongjiang River were collected.Halogented flame retardants were extracted and purified using dichloromethane and alumina/silica-gel column,respectively.The concentrations of halogenated flame retardants were measured utilizing GC/MS,and the emission fluxes were estimated.Decabromodiphenyl ethane(DBDPE)was the predominant halogenated pollutant(accounting for 64%)in sewage with the concentration ranging from 9.1 ng/L to 990 ng/L.The concentrations of polybrominated biphenyl ether(PBDEs),dominated by BDE209,in the sewage ranged from 6.9 ng/L to 470 ng/L,accounting for 30%of total halogenated flame retardants.The concentrations of other flame retardants,such as dechlorane plus(DP),1,2-bis(2,4, 6-tribromophenoxy)ethane(BTBPE),hexabromobenzene(HBB),and pentabromotoluene(PBT),were ranged within 0.17-23.6,nd-26.3,nd-1.45 and nd-0.45 ng/L,respectively.The concentrations of PBDEs in sewage of Dongjiang River were comparable to those in influent wastewater of sewage treatment plants of Guangzhou,suggesting that the wastewater was discharged directly into Dongjiang River without any treatment.The emission flux of halogenated flame retardants from sewage was 191 kg.Emission from industrial wastewater,contributed to 48%-91%of total emission,was the main source of halogenated flame retardants.
来源 环境科学 ,2011,32(10):2891-2895 【核心库】
关键词 卤系阻燃剂 ; 排污水 ; 通量 ; 东江 ; 来源

中国科学院广州地球化学研究所, 有机地球化学国家重点实验室, 广州, 510640

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0250-3301
学科 环境科学基础理论
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  中国科学院知识创新工程青年人才领域前沿项目 ;  中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:4324005

参考文献 共 26 共2页

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