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Chemical Pretreatment Methods for Measurement of Mo Isotope Ratio on Geological Samples


文摘 通过对地质样品中Mo同位素测试前的处理方法的比较,对传统的阴、阳离子树脂交换法进行了改进研究.经改进后的方法实用范围较宽,Mo的回收率达到97.49%±0.27%,Mo同位素质谱分析过程中可能的同重干扰元素Zr、Fe、Mn等的去除效果理想,其它金属元素的去除效果也较理想,且在阴离子交换柱洗脱Mo的过程中总计约需的提取液(盐酸和硝酸)体积只有75mL,只需文献报道用量的45%,从而减少了试剂对样品,特别是对低含量地质样品可能带来的潜在污染.
其他语种文摘 By comparing the methods of separation and purification before Mo isotope ratio measurements on geological samples, we modified the traditional anion/cation exchange resin two-column procedure. After being modified, the operating range was rather wide, the recovery of Mo was 97.49% ±0.27%, the potential interferences on Mo isotopes(including Zr, Fe, Mn and other interfering matrix elements) were reduced to the negligible levels relative to Mo, and the volume of Mo elution solution passing through the anion exchange resin column was only 75 mL, which was only 45% of the volume reported by other literatures, and this will reduce potential contamination to Mo isotope geological samples from chemical reagents, especially for the low concentration Mo isotope geological samples.
来源 分析化学 ,2009,37(2):216-220 【核心库】
关键词 ; 同位素 ; 离子交换 ; 分离提纯

中国科学院地球化学研究所, 矿床地球化学国家重点实验室, 贵州, 贵阳, 550002

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0253-3820
学科 化学
基金 国家973计划 ;  国家自然科学基金 ;  中国科学院西部之光人才培养计划 ;  贵州省自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:3576815

参考文献 共 7 共1页

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引证文献 7

1 李津 钼同位素的MC-ICP-MS测定方法研究 地球学报,2010,31(2):251-257
CSCD被引 5

2 郑民奇 钼矿石物相的快速分析方法 岩矿测试,2011,30(1):40-42
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