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Mitigation of the Radio Frequency Interference Using an Adaptive Side-Lobe Cancellation Based on Accurate Delay Compensation


黄达 1   王壮 1   程翥 2   董亮 3   苏瑶 4  
文摘 导航信号作为射电干扰信号影响L 波段射电观测时,与雷达、通信领域的干扰不同,其功率通常小于噪声功率,使得利用干扰信号相关性的传统抗干扰方法效果不佳,且缺乏有效的评价指标。针对以上问题,依据射电信号处理流程构建了射电抗干扰系统框架,并从射电观测数据应用出发,给出了干扰抑制度和信号损失度两个指标。同时提出在精确补偿时延后利用抑制干扰子空间噪声分量的自适应旁瓣相消方法来消除导航信号的影响; 仿真结果表明,本方法能有效抑制导航信号对射电观测的影响,且性能优于传统基于特征子空间的自适应旁瓣相消方法。
其他语种文摘 When navigation signals,as radio interferences,affect observation in L-band,they are different from other types of interferences in communication field or radar. Using the correlation interference, traditional methods are ineffective and they lack effective evaluation indexes,too,because the power of navigation signal is normally weaker than noise power. To solve the above problems,this paper constructs a system framework of radio astronomy interference based on radio signal processing,and raises two indexes: interference suppression and signal loss based on the application of the observation data. After accurate delay compensation,this paper proposes a method to eliminate the effects of the navigation signals,using the adaptive side-lobe cancellation that suppresses the noise component of interference subspace. From the results of the simulation,conclusion can be drawn that the proposed method can effectively suppress the navigation signal in the observations,and the performance is better than that of traditional adaptive side-lobe cancellation based in feature subspace.
来源 天文研究与技术 ,2016,13(3):284-292 【核心库】
关键词 射电天文抗干扰 ; 自适应旁瓣相消 ; 导航信号 ; 可变分数时延滤波器

1. 国防科技大学电子科学与工程学院, ATR 国防科技重点实验室, 湖南, 长沙, 410073  

2. 国防科技大学电子科学与工程学院电子工程所, 湖南, 长沙, 410073  

3. 中国科学院云南天文台, 云南, 昆明, 650011  

4. 西安电子科技大学, 陕西, 西安, 710071

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1672-7673
学科 天文学
基金 国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:5755484

参考文献 共 10 共1页

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