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Speculation of Human-earth Harmony TheoryBased on Yi Studies and Geomancy


文摘 易学是哲学也是人文地理学研究"人地关系"的一种哲学方法论。本文探讨了易学大成之周易的科学性质,附带着研究了李约瑟难题并给出答案。文章指出"易历四世"是易学认识"人地关系"发展规律不断升华的哲学嬗变,探讨了连山易、归藏易、周易哲学思想对"人地关系"规律的认识。着重研究了作为人文地理学的一种哲学方法论——周易对"人地关系"的解释。堪舆学胎生于易学,没有易学就没有堪舆学。现代堪舆学与中国人文地理学关联密切,其原因是:①自然地理环境要素是堪舆学的基础;②大量的地理知识和方法是堪舆学研究的支柱;③堪舆学研究的核心是人地关系。探究了易学、堪舆学与人地关系协调论的辩证关系,揭示了易学和堪舆学在研究、协调人地关系中的重要作用。对堪舆学的认识,可谓"仁者见仁,智者见智"。中国现代人文地理学应该用历史的、客观的、科学的、辩证的观点解读其独特领域——堪舆学。以"青海黄河果岭国际旅游度假区总体规划"布局为案例,探讨了现代堪舆学的实践过程。堪舆学含有一定的迷信成分,但也含有极为重要的科学思想。既不要用其科学性掩盖其伪科学性,也不要用其伪科学性否定其科学性。无论是学院派还是民间派,只要研究、应用堪舆学的人,都树立了科学的堪舆学思想,真正的现代堪舆学也就建立起来了,风水迷信也就荡然无存了。中国人文地理学研究易学、堪舆学,应与西方相关的人文地理哲学、学科紧密的结合起来,去粗取精,去伪存真、古为今用、洋为中用,共同推动中国人文地理学的发展,建设有中国特色的人文地理学。中国的堪舆学、人文地理学正处在转型的关键时期,需要更多的关怀、宽容和空间。
其他语种文摘 This paper introduces the background and significance of the study.It points outthat Yi Studies is not only philosophy but also philosophical methodology for studyingman-land relationship by human geography.It discusses the scientific nature of Zhou Yiwhich collects most of the harvests in Yi Studies.It also studies "Joseph Needham’s puzzle"in passing with an answer given.This paper states that the long developing process markedby four historic periods of Yi Studies is a philosophic evolution of Yi Studies inunderstanding the laws of man-land relationship.It discusses the laws of man-landrelationship indicated by philosophical thoughts of Lianshan Yi,Guicang Yi and Zhou Yi.Itplaces more emphasis on the study of a philosophical methodology of human geography—theinterpretation of man-land relationship by Zhou Yi.Geomancy originated from Yi Studies,and therefore,there was no geomancy without Yi Studies.Modern geomancy is closelyinterrelated with China’s human geography.The reasons are shown as follows.(1) Physicalgeographical environmental factors are the basis of geomancy.(2) A mass of geographicalknowledge and methods are the stanchion of geomancy study.(3) The core of geomancystudy is man-land relationship.The paper studies dialectical relationship between human-earthharmoniousness theory,Zhou Yi and geomancy and reveals the roles of Zhou Yi andgeomancy play in research and coordination of man-land relationship.As viewpoints ofgeomancy are quite different,Chinese modern human geography should unscramble itsspecial field—geomancy historically,objectively,scientifically and dialectically.Correspondently,the practical process of modern geomancy is discussed with the layout ofthe overall planning of Guoling International Tourism Holiday District of Qinghai YellowRiver as an example.Geomancy contains certain superstition,but it also has importantscientific thoughts.We should neither cover its pseudoscientificity with its scientificity,norshould we deny its scientificity by its pseudoscientificity.If scientific thoughts of geomancywere set up in the research and application community of geomancy,no matter whether inacademic schools or folk ones,the real scientific geomancy would be established,and all ofsuperstitions in geomancy would have gone.The paper suggests that the studies of Yi Studiesand geomancy by Chinese human geography should be combined with Western humangeography and relevant subjects by discarding the dross and selecting the essence,eliminatingthe false and retaining the true,making the past serve the present and foreign things serveChina as well.Hence,Chinese human geography development can be impelled and humangeography with Chinese characteristics will be set up.Finally,the paper points out thatChinese geomancy and human geography are now entering a critical historical transitionperiod,so more concern,tolerance and space are needed.
来源 地理学报 ,2012,67(2):266-282 【核心库】
关键词 易学 ; 周易 ; 堪舆学 ; 人地关系 ; 和谐论 ; 思辨 ; 案例

鲁东大学环渤海发展研究院, 山东, 烟台, 264025

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
基金 国家社会科学基金 ;  国家软科学研究计划重大项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:4451668

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2 孙才志 中国沿海地区人海关系地域系统评价及协同演化研究 地理研究,2015,34(10):1824-1838
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