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Research progress in man-land relationship evolution and its resource-environment base in China


李小云   杨宇 *   刘毅 *  
文摘 人地关系研究始终贯彻在地理学发展的各个阶段,是地理学研究的核心。本文在大量的文献梳理基础上,对中国人地关系的内涵特征、研究概况和主要研究内容进行了系统综述。 ①阐述了中国人地关系在不同社会发展阶段的内涵及演进规律,发现人地关系作为地理学研究核心的地位不断强化,其内涵随时代不断演变,尤其是可持续发展等理念的提出极大地丰富了人地关系的内涵及理论体系。②运用文献计量方法概述中国人地关系的基本研究状况,对1980年以来人地关系研究的经费来源、主要研究团队和主要传播期刊等进行了定量识别,研究经费以国家级基金支持为主,并呈现多元化趋势;研究的优势团队主要集中在中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所及师范类院校;中国地理学会主办的期刊对人地关系研究传播具有重要影响力。③资源环境是人地关系的基本载体,本文进一步聚焦到人地关系的资源环境基础研究,发现中国资源环境基础研究经历了从单要素视角逐步向多要素综合视角演变的历程,研究主题从土地资源、水资源、能源矿产资源等单一要素逐步向资源环境综合要素转变。服务于国家和区域发展战略的实证研究是中国人地关系研究的特色,未来要更加注重以发展、动态的思路关注“人”、“地”特征的变化以及新因素对人地关系的影响研究,尤其要注重资源环境绝对区位的时空变化对人地相互作用的模式影响研究,加强学科交叉以及综合集成技术的系统性研究,以推进人地关系理论与实践应用的发展。
其他语种文摘 Man-land relationship research, as the core of geographical research, runs through each development stage of Geography. Based on extensive literature review, this paper systematically generalizes the connotations, research development and contents of man- land relationship in China. (1) It explores the connotations and evolvement rules of man- land relationship in different social development stages in China, and finds that the core role of manland relationship in geographical research has been strengthened continuously. Changing with times, its connotations have been considerably enriched by sustainable development and other notions, and so does its theoretical system. (2) It applies the bibliometric method to sketch out the basic research status of man- land relationship in China. Specifically, it quantitatively identifies the funding sources, major research teams and journals for publication. It finds that the funding sources show a diversification trend with national funding being the primary source of research grants. The most competitive research teams are mainly concentrated in the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and normal universities. Journals sponsored by the Geographical Society of China are most influential in publishing man-land relationship research. (3) As resources and environment are the fundamental carriers of man-land relationship, this study focuses further on the research on resource- environmental base of man- land relationship, and finds that the resource- environmental base research in China has gone through an evolution process from single factor perspective research to comprehensive multiple perspective research gradually. Research themes have also experienced similar changes from land, water, energy minerals or other single factor research to comprehensive factor research of resources and environment. Empirical studies on national and regional development strategies are the feature of man-land relationship in China. More emphasis should be put on considering and following the changes in features of "man" and "land" and research on the impacts of new factors on man- land relationship in a developing and dynamic manner in the future. Particularly, we should pay more attention to research on the impacts of spatio-temporal changes in resource-environment absolute location on modes of man- land interaction, and to strengthening interdisciplinary research and systematic research on comprehensive integrated techniques so as to advance the development of application of man-land relationship theories and practices.
来源 地理学报 ,2016,71(12):2067-2088 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201612001
关键词 中国 ; 人地关系 ; 资源 ; 环境 ; 进展

中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 中国科学院区域可持续发展分析与模拟重点实验室, 北京, 100101

语种 中文
文献类型 综述型
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 自然地理学
基金 国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5883979

参考文献 共 158 共8页

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