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Contamination of typical endocrine-disrupting chemicals in the sediment of two main rivers from the Pearl River Delta


龚剑 1   冉勇 2 *   陈迪云 3   杨余 2  
文摘 为了调查珠江三角洲河流沉积物中典型内分泌干扰物的污染状况,采用超声提取-衍生化-GC/MS法研究了双酚 A(BPA)、雌酮(E1)、雌二醇(E2)、己烯雌酚(DES)、17α-乙炔雌二醇(EE2)、雌三醇(E3)等典型内分泌干扰物在珠江广州河段和东江东莞河段表层沉积物中的质量分数水平、分布特征,并对其来源进行了分析。结果显示,BPA在所有样品中均有检出,E1和E2的检出率分别为72%和61%,其质量分数(以干质量计)分别在14.3~429.5 ng·g~(-1)之间(中值为79.5 ng·g~(-1))、<1.3~10.9ng·g~(-1)之间(中值为3.4 ng·g~(-1))和<0.9~2.6 ng·g~(-1)之间(中值为1.6 ng·g~(-1));其余几种雌激素均未被检出。东江东莞河段沉积物中 BPA的污染水平整体高于珠江广州河段,而天然雌激素的污染状况则是珠江广州河段更为严重。3种化合物的质量分数总体呈现出沿河口方向降低的分布特征,这可能与沿岸工业废水和生活污水不规则排放以及水动力条件有关。BPA、E1、E2的质量分数均与沉积物总有机碳(TOC)质量分数呈正相关,表明有机质是控制沉积物中内分泌干扰物分布的一个重要因素。
其他语种文摘 To investigate the occurrence and distribution of typical endocrine-disrupting chemicals in sediment of rivers from the Pearl River Delta,bisphenol A(BPA)and estrogens including estrone(E1),17β-estradiol(E2),diethylstilbestrol(DES),17α-ethynylestradiol(EE2)and estriol(E3)in the surface sediments of Guangzhou reach of the Zhujiang River and Dongguan reach of the Dongjiang River were measured based on the application of the gas chromatography-mass spectrometry following ultrasonic extraction and derivatization to determine their concentrations,analyze their distributions and speculate their inputs.BPA was detectable in all the samples,and the natural estrogens E1 and E2 were detected in 72 and 61%of the total samples,respectively.Their concentrations(dry weight)were in the ranges of 14.3~429.5 ng·g~(-1),<1.3~10.9 ng·g~(-1)and<0.9~2.6 ng·g~(-1),with the medians of 79.5 ng·g~(-1),3.4 ng·g~(-1)and1.6 ng·g~(-1),respectively.The other estrogens were all undetectable.Generally the sedimental pollution of BPA at the Dongguan reach was heavier than that at the Guangzhou reach,but,on the contrary,the pollution levels of the natural estrogens at the Guangzhou reach were higher.On the whole,the distributions of the three chemicals were characterized by gradually decreased down the stream toward the estuary,which was probably relative to the abusive discharge of domestic and industrial wastewater and hydrodynamic conditions along the rivers.The positive correlations between BPA,E1,E2 and TOC contents suggested that organic matter is one of the key factors controlling the distribution of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in sediments.
来源 生态环境学报 ,2011,20(6-7):1111-1116 【核心库】
关键词 内分泌干扰物 ; 沉积物 ; 珠江三角洲 ; 河流 ; 双酚A ; 雌激素

1. 广州大学环境科学和工程学院, 广州市污染控制与同位素重点实验室;;有机地球化学国家重点实验室, 广东, 广州, 510006  

2. 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所, 有机地球化学国家重点实验室, 广东, 广州, 510640  

3. 广州大学环境科学和工程学院, 广州市污染控制与同位素重点实验室, 广东, 广州, 510006

语种 中文
ISSN 1674-5906
学科 环境科学基础理论
基金 广东省高校优秀青年创新人才培育项目 ;  国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:4310823

参考文献 共 20 共1页

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