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Gas characteristics of household solar biogas production system with constant temperature in whole year


李金平 1   甄箫斐 1   杨霭蓉 1   黄娟娟 1   董缇 2  
文摘 为满足北方农户全年生活燃气需求和研究户用恒温沼气池的产气特性,研发了发酵容积为3 m~3的地上式太阳能恒温沼气生产系统。从沼气池的产气稳定性,不同发酵温度、不同发酵原料下的产气性能,全年产气特性4个方面对该系统做了试验研究。在兰州地区气象条件下,厌氧发酵试验结果发现:该太阳能恒温产气系统可全年稳定连续运行,全年累计产气398.52 m~3;当最低环境温度分别高于-19.9、0.7和6.9 ℃时,系统可以实现26、28和37 ℃恒温厌氧发酵;当猪粪与农户常见的玉米秸秆、蒿草、莲花菜叶按一定比例混合发酵后,可显著提高沼气中甲烷体积分数并延长或缩短发酵周期。
其他语种文摘 In order to ensure the annual gas demand of farmers in North China and explore the gas characteristics in the household biogas digester with constant temperature, the 3 m~3 solar constant temperature biogas digester was developed. Stability of the biogas, biogas characteristics under different fermentation temperature and different fermenting materials, annual biogas characteristics, and operation strategy were studied with this system. The batch type experimental research showed that the system could be run steadily and continuously throughout the year. And the annual cumulative production of biogas was 398.52 m~3 under the weather conditions in Lanzhou area. The system could realize constant temperature anaerobic fermentation at 26, 28 and 37 ℃ when the lowest ambient temperature exceeded -19.9, 0.7 and 6.9 ℃, respectively. In addition, the methane volume fraction was improved prominently or the production gas cycle was shortened when the pig manure was mixed with corn straw, wormwood and lotus leaves by a certain mixing proportion. Compared with pig manure fermentation, the volume fraction of methane of biogas produced by mixed material was promoted by about 8% as the volume ratio of raw material pig manure ∶ wormwood ∶ water ∶ inoculums was 1∶2∶2∶1. It could shorten the fermentation period remarkably when the wormwood, lotus and pig mature were taken as fermentation materials. At the end of the fermentation process with the mixed material at 37 ℃, the daily biogas production was difficult to meet consumers′ demand. And the daily average biogas production could keep 0.8 m~3 in a week if we supplied 0.025 m~3 new material with the same proportion. This experiment can provide reference for the efficient use of renewable energy. Utilizing the mixed materials can regulate the gas production and gas quality, and advices can be adopted for users to use raw materials which come from local resources according to season conditions. Three pails of new materials with same proportion(0.025 m~3) are needed to replenish for anaerobic fermentation equipment every week, when the stability of gas production is unsure and the daily gas production is hard to satisfy users requirement that is to keep the daily gas production of 0.8 m~3 one week. When the gas consumption increases, the measures that regulate temperature and feed to add the gas production can be adopted to satisfy the biogas utilization demand. The biogas production system with constant temperature operates steadily all the year round. Meanwhile, biogas can completely satisfy the demand of 3-5 people′s household cooking and gas in a year. And the biogas digester using pig manure as raw materials can still achieve the gas production with(26±1.5) ℃ constant temperature and the daily biogas production of over 1.3 m~3, when the average environmental temperature range is between -23.8 and -5 ℃ in winter, even encountering 3 successive overcast or snowy weather. The biogas digester using pig manure and wormwood as raw materials can achieve the 37℃ gas production and the daily biogas production of over 1.7 m~3. And when the year-round solar radiation range is 11.7-17.4 MJ/m~2, the fermentation tank per cubic meter needs 10 glass vacuum tube solar collectors of φ58 mm×1 800 mm.
来源 农业工程学报 ,2016,32(10):220-225 【核心库】
DOI 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.10.031
关键词 发酵 ; 沼气 ; 秸秆 ; 户用恒温沼气生产系统 ; 混合原料 ; 产气特性

1. 兰州理工大学西部能源与环境研究中心, 甘肃省生物质能与太阳能互补供能系统重点实验室;;西北低碳城镇支撑技术协同创新中心, 兰州, 730050  

2. 中国科学院广州能源研究所, 广州, 510640

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1002-6819
学科 能源与动力工程
基金 兰州理工大学"红柳杰出人才计划" ;  甘肃省自然科学基金 ;  国家国际科技合作专项 ;  国家863计划
文献收藏号 CSCD:5702666

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