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Study on spatiotemporal distribution of PM_(2.5) in China and its relationship to energy consumption based the remote sensing data from 1998 to 2012


徐超 1,2,3   王云鹏 1 *   黎丽莉 1,2,3  
文摘 基于1998—2012年中国PM_(2.5)浓度遥感数据,在对中国PM_(2.5)时空分布特征进行分析的基础上,引入地理信息科学空间相关矩阵方法分析中国PM_(2.5)时空分布与能源消耗总量等时空分布的空间相关性。基于省级尺度,运用灰色理论中的灰色相关方法,对PM_(2.5)和能源消耗指标进行相关分析,结果表明:(1)中国历史的PM_(2.5)空间分布与人口分布、地形特征有着密切的关系,胡焕庸线成为中国PM_(2.5)空间分布的东西界限。(2)整体来看,中国PM_(2.5)的年际变化上,具有双增长单下降的区域特征:两个快速增长区域(年均增长率大于3.5%)分别为PM_(2.5)高值区域——北部沿海以及PM_(2.5)相对低的东北地区。下降区域则为西北地区。2007年前后是中国大部分省PM_(2.5)浓度增长的拐点,但并没有形成高值区域快速下降的趋势。(3)从国家尺度上看,中国PM_(2.5)分布与单位面积煤炭消耗分布呈现强烈正相关性,与单位面积能源消耗总量分布呈正相关,与单位面积石油消耗分布没有体现出明显的相关性。(4)从省级尺度上看,各省PM_(2.5)浓度与能源消耗存在明显正相关性,但各省PM_(2.5)浓度受能源种类消耗的影响程度不一致。综合来看,中国PM_(2.5)浓度较高的区域,受能源消耗种类的影响,呈现“北煤南油”以及“东油西煤”的规律。
其他语种文摘 The spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of PM_(2.5) in China and its relationship with energy consumption were analyzed based on spatial analysis and Grey Relation using the remote sensing data from 1998 to 2012. Our results are as follows. (1) The spatial distribution of PM_(2.5) in China showed close relationships with population distribution and terrain properties. PM_(2.5) distribution was divided into the eastern and western part by HU Line. (2) The inter-annual change of PM_(2.5) was found in two faster growth areas: one was in the northern coastal area and the other was in the northeastern area; the only decreased zone was located in the northwest area. The inflection point of PM_(2.5) increasing was around 2007, however, after the point, the high concentrations area did not decline rapidly. (3) At national scale, PM_(2.5) distribution was significantly related to coal consumption per area distribution positively and also to the whole energy consumption per area distribution, but showed no correlation with the oil consumption per area. (4) An obvious relativity existed between PM_(2.5) and energy consumption at provincial-scale. There was difference in each province's PM_(2.5) concentrations relationship with energy sources. For high concentrations area,the law of the influences of energy sources was summarized as that the north was caused by coal burning while the south was caused by oil consuming,as well as that the east was caused by oil consuming while the west was caused by coal burning.
来源 生态科学 ,2018,37(1):108-120 【扩展库】
DOI 10.14108/j.cnki.1008-8873.2018.01.015
关键词 PM_(2.5) ; 时空分布 ; 能源消耗 ; 灰色关联

1. 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所, 广州, 510640  

2. 中国科学院大学, 北京, 100049  

3. 中国科学院广州能源研究所, 广州, 510640

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1008-8873
学科 社会与环境
基金 区域生态环境变化及快速城市化对水质水量的影响及对策
文献收藏号 CSCD:6200909

参考文献 共 36 共2页

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