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The evolution of the cavernous potholes in Yinhe Cave,Suiyang county, Guizhou province


曹明达 1   周忠发 1 *   张结 1   殷超 1   潘艳喜 1   闫利会 2   陈全 1  
文摘 通过对贵州绥阳寒武系中上统娄山关组中发育洞穴之阴河洞地下河河床基岩面上49个壶穴进行详细测量和统计学定量分析,对其形态特征及空间分布进行描述,并探讨其形成演化过程和影响因素。主要结论为:阴河洞壶穴的整体形态以极浅的倒“Ω”型和“锅”型壶穴为主,并且壶穴发育相对较年轻;壶穴长短轴具有一定的相关性,但平均口径与深度的相关性较差,说明壶穴在发育的过程在洪水期以口径增大为主,枯水期以溶蚀深度加深为主,且表现为地下河河床下切的形式之一;从发育阶段看,阴河洞壶穴的形成演化主要分为3个阶段:“碟型”壶穴形成阶段;倒“Ω”型壶穴发育阶段;“锅”型壶穴发育阶段,其形成主要受水动力条件、构造条件、推移质、基岩性质和溶蚀作用等因素耦合的作用;洞穴壶穴主要是流水的侵—溶蚀作用形成的,并非冰川作用的结果,与“冰臼”的发育存在本质上的区别。
其他语种文摘 This paper measures and conducts a statistical quantitative analysis of 49 potholes on the subterranean river bedrock of Yinhe Cave, a forming cave in Loushanguan Formation of Middle- Upper Cambrian Series, Guizhou province. After a description on morphological characteristics and spatial distribution, the paper discusses the evolutionary process and influencing factors of the formation. It is concluded that the potholes in the Yinhe River are mostly extremely shallow upside-down omega and wok shaped, and are at a relatively early stage of formation; the major axis and minor axis of the potholes are correlated to some extent, but the average diameter and depth are poorly correlated, indicating that the potholes tend to enlarge the diameter during the floor period and deepen the depth of corrosion during the drought period, as one of the riverbed downcutting forms of subterranean rivers; the potholes of Yinhe Cave develop in three stages: saucer shaped stage, upside-down omega shaped stage, and wok shaped stage, under the influence of such factors as hydrodynamic conditions, tectonic conditions, bed load, bed rock properties and corrosion; cavernous potholes are formed by the erosion and corrosion of running water, instead of glacier, which are essentially different from moulins in formation.
来源 地理学报 ,2016,71(11):2010-2019 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201611011
关键词 绥阳阴河洞 ; 演化过程 ; 定量分析 ; 洞穴壶穴 ; 贵州

1. 贵州师范大学喀斯特研究院, 贵州省喀斯特山地生态环境国家重点实验室培育基地, 贵阳, 550001  

2. 贵州师范大学喀斯特研究院, 国家喀斯特石漠化防治工程技术研究中心, 贵阳, 550001

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 自然地理学
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  贵州省项目 ;  贵州省重大应用基础研究项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5858868

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